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Muslims unanimously agreed

Raising the hands towards the sky in du^a does not imply that Allah resides in that direction

Imam Abu Mansur Al-Maturidiyy refuted those who likened Allah to creation in his era, affirming the creed of Ahlu s-Sunnah wa l-Jama^ah and clarified that Allah is free from residing in any place.  


They constitute the fringe sects of destruction and diseased ideologies who had to conceal themselves with the cloak of Islam to spread their evil, disrupting its harmony.

Among the gravest misguidances

The Mu^tazilah's blasphemy lies in claiming that voluntary human actions are not by Allah’s will and power, asserting instead that only involuntary actions are by His will.


There is consensus among the scholars that it is Sunnah to visit the grave of the Prophet ﷺ, both for he who lives in Al-Madinah and he who travels there...


Numerous accounts exist of individuals who repented and returned to righteousness after having lived in transgression and excess.

A Supplication Answered

  Muslim in his Sahih, ‘Ahmad in his Musnad, and Al-Hakim in his Mustadrak related from ‘Abu Hurayrah, may Allah accept his deeds, that he said: "I used to call my mother to Islam as she was still a polytheist.
Shaykh Walid As-Samami^ah

Tuma l-Hakim

Scarcely knowing anything about medicine beyond its name, he concealed his incompetence by immersing himself...
Hurting one’s parents immensely (^uquq) is among the major sins. Allah threatened the one who does it with severe torture in Hellfire.

One night, ^Abdu l-Muttalib, the grandfather of the Prophet ﷺ, had a dream in which a voice commanded him to excavate the Zamzam well at a specific location.

beside the Black Stone

No one supplicates for anything at al-Multazam except that it is answered

Allah has designated specific places within His Sacred House with particular distinctions,among which is al-Multazam.

Precious ruling

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ sent out an expedition, and they were afflicted by cold. When they returned to the Prophet ﷺ, they...

great blessings

Allah  has enjoined us to care for them from birth and to dedicate ourselves to their proper upbringing...
This image is illustrative and may not reflect reality.

virtuous qualities

Waking children for Sahur (pre-dawn meal) brings them happiness, as it introduces a change in their routine.
This image is illustrative and may not reflect reality.


Where is what Ibnu Taymiyyah claimed of the agreement of the Muslims upon attributing the hadd to Allah?   

three opinions

A person may have one or more missed prayers to make up along with the obligation to perform the current prayer.

Don't blame anyone but yourself

Among the practices established for us by the Messenger of Allah ﷺ is washing the hands to remove the grease or fat from meat before sleeping.

 prescribed measures

The act of the Prophet ﷺ does not mean that this suffices as a substitute for the ghusl required for removing the state of janabah...

grinding grain

Fatimah, may Allah accept her deeds, went to the Prophet ﷺ to request a servant to take over her duties in the grinding.

demonic forces

The wisdom behind their spread at that time is that nighttime provides them with a greater capacity for movement than daylight...


Palestine, a region of barakah

The Holy City of Jerusalem has been, and will continue to be, the Arab capital of our beloved Palestine and one of the most revered cities in Islam.

Islamic cities

It is known that acquiring the knowledge of the science of genealogy is among the required matters and recommended forms of knowledge, due to what is incumbent upon it of religious judgments and rites; the purified Islamic laws have applied it in several situations, among which are:


The Holy City of Jerusalem has been, and will continue to be, the Arab capital of our beloved Palestine and one of the most revered cities in Islam.  

Teach your brother!

Prayer, like other acts of worship, requires integrals and conditions to be valid. Among these integrals is sujud (prostration), which must be performed correctly for the prayer itself to be valid. For the prostration to be considered correct, it is necessary that the worshipper places their forehead, either entirely or partially, on the ground uncovered.

^A’ishah's servant used to lead her in prayer while reading from the Mushaf during Ramadan.
The process of tanning involves removing the impurities from the hide, such as...
It is incumbent upon the one attending the Friday prayer to turn attentively towards the imam...
^A’ishah's servant used to lead her in prayer while reading from the Mushaf during Ramadan.
The process of tanning involves removing the impurities from the hide, such as...
It is incumbent upon the one attending the Friday prayer to turn attentively towards the imam...

Beneath the mizab

It is narrated that ^Uthman ibnu ^Affan once approached his companions and said: "Will you not ask me where I have just come from?" 

wraparound garment

The Shadharwan is rooted in the original wall of the sacred Ka^bah, as it existed when established upon the foundations laid by Prophet ‘Ibrahim.

a white sapphire from Paradise

It was whiter than milk when it first descended upon the earth, but the sins of the children of 'Adam darkened it...

it harms and benefits

He feared that the ignorant might mistakenly believe he was worshipping the stone.

the Enclosure of ‘Isma^il

Prophet ‘Isma^il (peace be upon him) expressed to his Lord the hardship caused by the intense heat of Makkah...