Jun 20, 2020
Illustrating the step-by-step journey of Hajj
Performing Hajj and ^Umrah once in a lifetime is obligatory upon the Muslim who is free, accountable, and can afford to reach Makkah and return to his homeplace. This includes that one has in excess of his debts, appropriate lodging and clothing, and what he is obligated to spend on those whom he must support from his departure until his return.
Jun 12, 2020
Islamic Occasions
The best ten Days of the year
It was narrated by Imam Ahmad, At-Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, and Ibn Majah that Ibnu Abbas said: the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:
ما من أيام العمل الصالح فيها أحب إلى الله من هذه الأيام، يعني أيام العشر، قالوا: يا رسول الله ولا الجهاد في سبيل الله، قال: ولا الجهاد في سبيل الله إلا رجلٌ خرج بنفسه وماله فلم يرجع من ذلك بشيء
{There are no days on which a good deed is more accepted and rewarded by Allah than on these days, i.e., the ten days of Dhu l-Hijjah.
They said: O’ Messenger of Allah not even the days of jihad for the sake of Allah? He s…
Jun 8, 2020
a remedy for ailments
The water of Zamzam is for whatever it is consumed for
Zamzam is noble and magnificent well. It is the most esteemed well in the world, the first of the blessings granted through the supplication of Ibrahim (peace be upon him). It is the source of the life and prosperity of Mecca and one of the greatest blessings renowned at the Sacred House. It is the finest water on the face of the earth, emerging from the holiest place on earth. The heart of the Chosen One ﷺ was washed with it on more than one occasion, and the Messenger of Allah ﷺ blessed it with his noble saliva. It is sustenance that satisfies and a remedy for every ailment. It alle…
Jun 6, 2020
Who is obligated to perform Hajj?
Performing Hajj and ^Umrah once in a lifetime becomes obligatory upon the Muslim when he is free, accountable, and can afford to reach Makkah and return to his homeplace. This includes that one has in excess of one’s debts, appropriate lodging and clothing, and what one is obligated to spend on those whom one must support from one’s departure until one returns.