Muslims unanimously agreed
Raising the hands towards the sky in du^a’ does not imply that Allah resides in that direction
The extremist fanatics are doomed, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said
They constitute the fringe sects of destruction and diseased ideologies who had to conceal themselves with the cloak of Islam to spread their evil, disrupting its harmony.
Among the gravest misguidances
The Mu^tazilah’s blasphemous claim that "humans create their actions"
The Mu^tazilah's blasphemy lies in claiming that voluntary human actions are not by Allah’s will and power, asserting instead that only involuntary actions are by His will.
Visiting the grave of the Prophet Muhammad
There is consensus among the scholars that it is Sunnah to visit the grave of the Prophet ﷺ, both for he who lives in Al-Madinah and he who travels there...
"I saw the inhabitants of the graves rising, with all of the creation assembled", he said
Numerous accounts exist of individuals who repented and returned to righteousness after having lived in transgression and excess.
A Supplication Answered
When he returned and reached the door, he found it slightly ajar

Tuma l-Hakim
The novice believes books offer knowledge without a guide!
Society & Family
When children cause immense heartache to their parents
quench your thirst
Zamzam well's location was lost for centuries!
New music coming
The locations where the Messenger of Allah ﷺ prayed in Makkah
fabricating lies
Whoever practices medicine without medical knowledge is liable!
commendable etiquettes
"... and no devil will come near you until morning!"
expression of honour
What is the ruling on kissing the Mushaf?
Ibnu Taymiyyah claims that the creation has no beginning
beside the Black Stone
No one supplicates for anything at al-Multazam except that it is answered

Precious ruling
What is the ruling on wiping over socks during wuduʾ?

great blessings
The Prophetic etiquettes for one blessed with a newborn

virtuous qualities
How can we teach our children to fast during Ramadan?

Ibnu Taymiyyah’s blasphemous assertion of hadd to Allah

three opinions
How to prioritize between current and missed prayers?

Don't blame anyone but yourself
Whoever goes to sleep with meat grease or fat on his hand...

prescribed measures
When the Prophet ﷺ intended to sleep while in a state of janabah

grinding grain
Shall I not teach you something better than owning a servant?

demonic forces
When night falls, keep your children indoors, for it is at this time that the devils disperse
Palestine, a region of barakah
Islamic cities
Al-Madinah: the city where the Prophet Muhammad drew his final breath
Palestine, a region of barakah
Teach your brother!
What is the ruling if a person prostrates while their forehead is covered by a cap or a turban?
Reciting the Qur'an from a Mushaf in prayer
Wearing hides of dead animals in prayer
Speaking during the Friday sermon
Reciting the Qur'an from a Mushaf in prayer
Wearing hides of dead animals in prayer
Speaking during the Friday sermon
Beneath the mizab
Pray in the righteous' place of worship

wraparound garment
To what does the Shadharwan refer?

a white sapphire from Paradise
It turned black when touched by the idolaters

it harms and benefits
The Black Stone will be raised before the Day of Judgement

the Enclosure of ‘Isma^il
A soothing breeze shall flow until the Day of Resurrection
Most Popular
Seek knowledge
Seeking the Obligatory Knowledge is a must
Arabic Language
The Prophet praised the Arabic Language
Among the gravest misguidances
The Mu^tazilah’s blasphemous claim that "humans create their actions"
meaningless controversies
Refuting the contraventions of Hizb At-Tahrir
The Sunniyy Articles
Ibnu Taymiyyah’s deviations from Muslim beliefs
Ibnu Taymiyyah transgressed the consensus of the Muslims on the issue of divorce
Muslims unanimously agreed
Raising the hands towards the sky in du^a’ does not imply that Allah resides in that direction