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a white sapphire from Paradise

It turned black when touched by the idolaters

 |  Shaykh Walid As-Samami^ah  |  Islamic Rituals

والصَّلَاةُ والسَّلاَمُ عَلَى سَيّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ أَشْرَفِ اْلمُرْسَلِيْنَ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ الطَّيّبِيْنَ الطَّاهِرِيْن

The Black Stone, which graces the corner of the honoured Ka^bah, stands as one of the most revered relics in Islamic history. Originally a white sapphire from Paradise, it turned black when touched by the idolaters.

Its origins trace back to the time of our master 'Ibrahim, peace be upon him. Upon completing the construction of the Ka^bah, ‘Ibrahim, peace be upon him, said to his son ‘Isma^il: “Bring me a fine stone to place at the corner, so it may serve as a marker for the people.” Thereupon, Jibril brought the Black Stone, which Ibrahim then took and set in its place.

When the Messenger of Allah ﷺ reached the age of thirty-five, the structure of the Ka^bah had weakened, prompting the Quraysh to undertake its reconstruction. When they arrived at the spot of the Black Stone, a dispute arose over who would have the honour of placing it. They agreed to let the first person to enter arbitrate among them.

The first to enter was the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. Upon seeing him, they said, “This is the Trustworthy One; we are content with his judgment.” He ﷺ spread out his garment, placed the Black Stone upon it, and instructed, “Let the leader of each tribe hold a corner of the garment, and together raise it.” Once they lifted it to its position, He ﷺ took the Black Stone with his blessed hand and set it in its place.

Here, the Prophet ﷺ displayed exceptional intelligence in resolving a problem that could have led to violent strife among the Arab tribes, by offering a unique solution that embodied the values of collaboration and mutual support.

To this day, we witness the arrival of pilgrims and Muslims to Mecca, many of whom are eager to kiss the Black Stone and make supplications at it, for it is the place where mercy descends, as Al-Manawiyy mentioned in At-Taysir.

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:

"نزل الحجر الأسود من الجنة وهو أشدُ بياضًا من اللبن فسوّدَتْهُ خطايا بني ءادم"

"The Black Stone descended from Paradise and was whiter than milk, but the sins of the children of Adam blackened it."

Narrated by At-Tirmidhiyy.


The Description of the Black Stone

The Black Stone is one of the stones of Paradise. It was deposited by the mountain of ‘Abu Qubays and placed in Mecca at the eastern corner of the honoured Ka^bah by the command of Allah, to His ‘Ibrahim, peace be upon him, at the completion of the Ka^bah's construction, to serve as a sign for the people.

It is the stone fixed in the southern corner of the Ka^bah, situated 1.10 meters above the ground of the Mataf. Its length measures 25 cm, its width approximately 17 cm, and it is embedded in the wall of the Ka^bah.

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:

"ليبعثن الله الحجر يوم القيامة له عينان يبصر بهما ولسان ينطق به يشهد على من استلمه بحق"

"Indeed, Allah will raise the Black Stone on the Day of Judgement. It will have two eyes with which it will see and a tongue with which it will speak. It will bear witness to those who touched it in truth."

(Narrated by Al-Bayhaqiyy).


^Abdu l-Lah ibnu ^Amr ibnu l-^As reported that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:

"يأتي الركن يوم القيامة أعظم من أبي قبيس له لسان وشفتان يتكلم عمن استلمه بالنية"

"The corner (of the Ka^bah) will come on the Day of Judgement, greater than (the mountain) ‘Abu Qubays. It will have a tongue and two lips, speaking of those who touched it with (sincere) intention. "

(Narrated by Al-Bayhaqiyy).


The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:

"ما من أحد يدعو الله عند الركن الأسود إلا استجاب الله له"

"There is no one who makes supplication to Allah at the Black Stone except that Allah grants their request."

(Narrated by Al-Qadi ^Iyad in Ash-Shifa).


It is narrated from Ibnu ^Umar, may Allah accept his deeds, that he said: "The Prophet faced the Black Stone, then placed his lips upon it and wept for a long time. He then turned and saw ^Umar ibnu l-Khattab weeping. The Prophet said:

“يا عمر ها هنا تسكب العَبَرات”

'O ^Umar, this is the place where tears are shed.'” [referring to the Black Stone].

(Narrated by Ibnu Khuzaymah).


Al-Manawiyy stated in At-Taysir: "For it is the place where mercy descends."


It is narrated from ^Umar, may Allah accept his deeds, that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:

مسح الحجر الأسود والركن اليماني يحط الخطايا حَطًّا

“Wiping the Black Stone and the Yemeni corner certainly expiates sins.”

(Narrated by ‘Ahmad).

He also narrated:

على الركن اليماني ملكان يؤمنان على دعاء من مَرَّ بهما وإن على الحجر الأسود ما لا يحصى

"At the Yemeni corner, there are two angels who endorse the supplications of those who pass by, saying: 'Ameen.' And on the Black Stone, there are angels whose number cannot be counted."

This was mentioned in ‘Akhbaru Makkah by Al-‘Azraqiyy. Mulla ^Aliyy Al-Qari, in his commentary on Musnadu ‘Abi Hanifah, said:

"ومثال ذلك لا يقال إلا عن توقيفٍ فيكون في الحكم مرفوعًا"

“Such statements can only be made through direct transmission, thereby attaining the status of ‘marfu^’.”


A similar narration is also reported from Ibnu ^Abbas, as narrated by ‘Abu Shaykh ibnu Hayyan.