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Islamic Creed Archive

Jun 18, 2020

The True Belief

What did the Prophet teach his companions before the famous rulings were revealed?  

Jun 12, 2020


It is obligatory upon every Muslim to preserve his faith in Islam and protect it against whatever invalidates, abolishes, and interrupts it, namely, apostasy 

Jun 12, 2020

The Two Testifications of Faith

The knowledge of the religion is the most honourable knowledge. The prophet ﷺ said what means: He who walks a path seeking knowledge [of Islam] Allah shall facilitate for him an easy path to paradise. Related by At-Tirmidhiy.

Jun 11, 2020

The Two Testifications of Faith

The non-Muslim embraces Islam by believing in the Two Testifications of Faith and uttering them with the intention of leaving out blasphemy (never to return to non-Islam): 'I bear witness that no one deserves to be worshipped except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah'  A person may utter the testification of faith in either Arabic or English. If one cannot pronounce the letter (ha) correctly when saying Muhammad, one says 'Abal-Gasim Is The Messenger of Allah' instead. 

Jun 6, 2020


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May 25, 2020

The first creation

Allah created the heavens, the earths, and the mountains. Allah created the rivers and the seas. Allah created the sun, the moon, the stars, and the planets. Allah created the shrubs, the trees, the humans, and the animals.   The first thing Allah created was water. It is above the heavens. Then Allah created the Grand ^Arsh. The ^Arsh is a platform with pillars. It is the largest of the bodies that Allah created, and it is the ceiling of Paradise. Allah is the Creator of everything. The First Human Being, Our Ma…

May 22, 2020


Linguistically, Islam means submission. According to Islamic terminology, Islam means a specified submission. It is the submission to what the prophet brought.