In the News
The Two Testifications of Faith
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The month of Ramadan
The integrals of fasting
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The Prayer
What is recommended to say after finishing the opening takbir
The month of Ramadan
How a person should spend their day during Ramadan

Marriage In Islam: Its Conditions and Invalidators

What is Recommended to Say After Finishing Wudu’?

The ablution (Wudu’)

a remedy for ailments
The water of Zamzam is for whatever it is consumed for

Funeral prayer
Funeral Prayer (Janazah)
The month of Ramadan
The Obligation of Fasting Ramadan
The first creation
Water, the First creation and our Master 'Adam
Tell me about Islam!
Precious information
Relationship of a marriage
Each person will have only what they intended
'Abu Lahab’s torture will NOT be lessened in hellfire
Refuting Calculations for Ramadan’s Start and End
Refuting the contraventions of Hizb At-Tahrir
Reciting Qur'an for the dead and talqin
Arrogance, enmity, and envy are all sins of the heart
Gossip (Ghibah) and Tale-Bearing (Namimah)

Nothing deserves imprisonment more than the tongue!

Illustrating the step-by-step journey of Hajj
Illustrating the step-by-step journey of Hajj
Islamic Occasions
The best ten Days of the year
a remedy for ailments
The water of Zamzam is for whatever it is consumed for

the most reliable opinion
An overview of Zakah on olive oil and olives

The month of Ramadan
Zakah al-Fitr and its recipients

Among sthe sins
Arrogance, enmity, and envy are all sins of the heart
Arrogance, enmity, and envy are all sins of the heart
Arrogance is rejecting what one knows is right, because the person saying it is young, poor, a student, or weak. Looking down on people is like being arrogant with a poor person, because he is poor.
Bullying uncovered: causes and lasting impact
The term Bullying may appear to be a modern concept however, our noble religion has long condemned such...
Undutifulness towards one's parents
Among the forms of undutifulness towards parents is for a child to neglect to provide financial...
Do you want to have the size of small ant!
On the Day of Judgment, the arrogant people will be in their human shape but have the size of small ants. Other people will step on them, but they will not die.
negative behaviours
Bullying uncovered: causes and lasting impact
prohibited acts
Undutifulness towards one's parents
Among the enormous sins
Do you want to have the size of small ant!

Marriage In Islam: Its Conditions and Invalidators

Society & Family
Relationship of a marriage
Most Popular
Determining the Beginning of Ramadan
The first creation
Water, the First creation and our Master 'Adam
The Prayer
Conditions for the validity of Prayer
Among sthe sins
Arrogance, enmity, and envy are all sins of the heart
The Two Testifications of Faith
How to embrace Islam and become a Muslim?
The month of Ramadan
How a person should spend their day during Ramadan
The month of Ramadan