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The Two Testifications of Faith

The non-Muslim embraces Islam by believing in the Two Testifications of Faith and uttering them with the intention of leaving out blasphemy (never to return to non-Islam): 'I bear witness that no one deserves to be worshipped except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah'  A person may utter the testification of faith in either Arabic or English. If one cannot pronounce the letter (ha) correctly when saying Muhammad, one says 'Abal-Gasim Is The Messenger of Allah' instead. 

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The month of Ramadan

The integrals of fasting are two: 1- To make the intention each night to fast the following day of Ramadan. Making the intention at night to fast the following day of Ramadan means to have the intention in one's heart to fast during the night preceding the fasting day, i.e., after sunset and befor…

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The Prayer

  Du^a’u l-iftitah or Du^a’u t-Tawajjuh Wajjahtu wajhiya lilladhi fatara s-samawati wal-’arda hanifa m-muslima, wa ma ‘ana mina l-mushrikin. ‘Inna salati wa nusuki wa mahyaya wa mamati lil-Lahi rabbi l-^alamin, la sharika lah, wa bi dhalika ‘umirtu, wa ‘ana minal-Muslimin.

The month of Ramadan


How a person should spend their day during Ramadan 

O Slaves of Allah, the month of forgiveness-Ramadan has arrived. This is the month of abstinence from worldly pleasures, the defiance of desires, and the month of pure intentions. So, move towards occupying your days and breaths with the acts of obedience to Allah; because the one who doesn’t spend his spare time in matters that benefit him, will end up wasting his time in matters that do not benefit him.


The purpose of conditional obedience in the relationship is to keep the family unit running smoothly as possible. Both husband and wife have duties to another and rights from one another.


What is Recommended to Say After Finishing Wudu?


Wudu (Ablution) has obligatory and recommended parts. The obligatory parts are those parts which if left out the Wudu is not valid. The recommended parts are those parts which if left out the Wudu  would still be valid, but one misses out on that reward.

a remedy for ailments

It is the source of the life and prosperity of Mecca and one of the greatest blessings renowned at the Sacred House. 

Funeral prayer

Upon the death of a Muslim, Muslims are obligated to pray for him. Just like in the obligatory prayers, one must have Wudu.  

The month of Ramadan

Fasting during the month of Ramadan is an obligatory and great worship. It is among the best acts of obedience. In Fasting there is a great reward. Imam al-Bukhariyy related the Qudsiyy Hadith that the Prophet ﷺ said that Allah The Exalted said:

The first creation

The first thing Allah created was water. It is above the heavens. Then Allah created the Grand ^Arsh. The ^Arsh is a platform with pillars. It is the largest of the bodies that Allah created, and it is the ceiling of Paradise. Allah is the Creator of everything.


Linguistically, Islam means submission. According to Islamic terminology, Islam means a specified submission. It is the submission to what the prophet brought.

Precious information

Men are bound to rights and duties, which they have to give to woman, as woman are bound to rights and duties, which they have to give to men, as ordered by Allah the Exalted.
A Column by Shaykh Walid As-Samami^ah

More on This Topic

| Mel Ka |
| Shaykh Walid As-Samami^ah | Hadith Explanation
| Shaykh Walid As-Samami^ah | Refutations
| Shaykh Walid As-Samami^ah | Fasting
| Shaykh Walid As-Samami^ah | Refutations
| Shaykh Walid As-Samami^ah | Refutations


Illustrating the step-by-step journey of Hajj

Performing Hajj and ^Umrah once in a lifetime is obligatory upon the Muslim who is free, accountable, and can afford to reach Makkah and return to his homeplace.   


Performing Hajj and ^Umrah once in a lifetime is obligatory upon the Muslim who is free, accountable, and can afford to reach Makkah and return to his homeplace.   

Islamic Occasions

The Prophet ﷺ said: 'No good deed is more meritorious and more rewarded by Allah than a good deed done in the ten days of Al-Adha.'

a remedy for ailments

It is the source of the life and prosperity of Mecca and one of the greatest blessings renowned at the Sacred House. 

the most reliable opinion

"The most reliable opinion among the scholars is that one has the option to give either oil or olives as Zakah, though giving oil is preferable, as explicitly stated."

The month of Ramadan

Zakah al-Fitr is due on every Muslim who is alive for part of Ramadan and part of Shawwal (the month after Ramadan .)

Among sthe sins

 Arrogance and having enmity for and envy of Muslims are all sins of the heart. These are bad attributes of which many people are unaware, because they do not know what they are or how to avoid them.

Arrogance is rejecting what one knows is right, because the person saying it is young, poor, a student, or weak. Looking down on people is like being arrogant with a poor person, because he is poor. 

The term Bullying may appear to be a modern concept however, our noble religion has long condemned such...

Among the forms of undutifulness towards parents is for a child to neglect to provide financial...

On the Day of Judgment, the arrogant people will be in their human shape but have the size of small ants. Other people will step on them, but they will not die.

negative behaviours

The term Bullying may appear to be a modern concept however, our noble religion has long condemned such...

prohibited acts

Among the forms of undutifulness towards parents is for a child to neglect to provide financial...

Among the enormous sins

On the Day of Judgment, the arrogant people will be in their human shape but have the size of small ants. Other people will step on them, but they will not die.


The purpose of conditional obedience in the relationship is to keep the family unit running smoothly as possible. Both husband and wife have duties to another and rights from one another.

Society & Family

Men are bound to rights and duties, which they have to give to woman, as woman are bound to rights and duties, which they have to give to men, as ordered by Allah the Exalted.