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Jun 22, 2020

the severity of the torture

Know that Allah mentioned in the Qur’an that torture for blasphemers in Hellfire will not be lessened or reduced; this is mentioned in the Qur’an under many ‘ayahs. In clear and explicit terms the Qur’an mentions that the severity of the torture destined for blasphemers will vary from one blasphemer to another, but that destined severity will not be lessened; not even for the relatives of Prophet Muhammad who died on blasphemy. The Prophet relayed that among the blasphemers in Hellfire, his uncle ''Abu Lahab, will receive the least severe of torture. But, contrary to what some people claim, t…

Jun 21, 2020

meaningless controversies

A group of people called Hizb At-Tahrir{1} emerged to spread falsehood and incite meaningless controversies. The founder of this party was a man named Taqiyyud-Din an-Nabahaniyy. He unrightfully claimed for himself the status of ijtihad and ignorantly dealt with the issues of the Religion. Consequently, he perverted and belied the Book of Allah, the Sunnah of His Messenger ﷺ, and contravened the scholarly consensus ('ijma^) in cases pertaining to both the fundamentals and the ramifications of the Religion.

Jun 21, 2020

forms of worship

Imam An-Nawawiyy (d. 676 H.) said in his book Al-Adhkar: “It has been reported to us through Sunanu l-Bayhaqiyy with a chain of narration classified as hasan, that Ibnu ^Umar regarded the recitation of the beginning of Suratu l-Baqarah and its ending upon the grave of a newly buried Muslim as a mustahab (likeable) matter”.

Jun 20, 2020

 The Sunniyy Articles

Know that, although ‘ Ibnu Taymiyyah had many writings and a fame, he is as the Muhaddith, hafidh, Faqih , Waliyyu d-Din al-^Iraqiyy, the son of the Shaykh of Huffadh, Zaynu d-Din al-^Iraqiyy , in his book “Al-‘ajwibatu l-mardiyyah” said about him: His knowledge is bigger than his mind. He also said: He infringed the 'ijma^ in many issues, which was said to be sixty issues, some of which are in the ‘ Usul and others in the Furu^ [ Al-‘Usul is ^Ilmu t-tawhid, the Science of the belief in Allah and His Messenger. Al-Furu^ deals with the Islamic matters other than those of belief (‘Usul…

Jun 20, 2020

Teach your brother!

Prayer, like other acts of worship, requires integrals and conditions to be valid. Among these integrals is sujud (prostration), which must be performed correctly for the prayer itself to be valid. For the prostration to be considered correct, it is necessary that the worshipper places their forehead, either entirely or partially, on the ground uncovered.

Jun 20, 2020

Read the Book

It is legally permissible, without objection, for one to recite the Qur’an from the Mushaf during prayer. Whether or not the individual has memorised it, such recitation does not invalidate the prayer. Indeed, if one has not committed Al-Fatihah to memory, they are required to read it from a Mushaf, a sheet of paper, or a similar source. Turning pages occasionally within the prayer does not compromise the validity of the prayer.

Jun 20, 2020

tanning process  

What is the ruling on benefiting from the hides of dead animals? Is it permissible to use animal hides in clothing manufacture, and is prayer valid while wearing them?

Jun 20, 2020

idle talk

What is the ruling on speaking during the Friday sermon? And what is its impact on the validity or reward of the Friday prayer?

Jun 20, 2020

the inhabitants of Eilah

The Jews, before the advent of the Prophet ﷺ, used to conceal the story of the people of the Sabbath from among the inhabitants of Eilah and what occurred with them, due to the rebuke and humiliation it entailed for them regarding what befell some of their ancestors from the Children of Israel, involving destruction and transformation.