والصَّلَاةُ والسَّلاَمُ عَلَى سَيّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ أَشْرَفِ اْلمُرْسَلِيْنَ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ الطَّيّبِيْنَ الطَّاهِرِيْن
What is the ruling on speaking during the Friday sermon? And what is its impact on the validity or reward of the Friday prayer?
It is incumbent upon the one attending the Friday prayer to turn attentively towards the imam, to listen and remain silent, and to occupy their heart with listening and paying close attention to him.
Allah, ta^ala, said:
﴿وَإِذَا قُرِئَ الْقُرْءَانُ فَاسْتَمِعُوْا لَهُ وَأَنْصِتُوْا﴾
"When the Qur'an is recited, listen to it and remain silent."
(Suratu l-‘A^raf, 204)
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said to ‘Abu d-Darda’ :
"إِذَا سَمِعتَ إِمَامَكَ يَتَكَلَّمُ فَأَنصِت حَتَّى يَفرُغَ"
"When you hear your imam speaking, remain silent until he finishes."
Related by ‘Ahmad.
Attentive listening and silence are required while speaking during the imam’s sermon is disliked; moreover, it affects the reward of the Friday prayer and diminishes it.
‘Abu Hurayrah, may Allah accept his deeds, reported that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:
"إِذَا قُلتَ لِصَاحِبِكَ يَومَ الجُمُعَةِ: أَنصِت وَالإِمَامُ يَخطُبُ فَقَد لَغَوتَ"
"If you say to your companion on the day of Friday, 'Be silent,' while the imam is delivering the sermon, you have engaged in idle talk."
Related by Al-Bukhariyy and Muslim.
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:
"مَن قَالَ: صَهْ، فَقَد لَغَا، وَمَن لَغَا فَلَا جُمُعَةَ لَهُ"
"Whoever says 'Ssh!' has engaged in idle talk, and whoever engages in idle talk his Friday prayer is not complete."
Related by ‘Ahmad and ‘Abu Dawud.
Ibnu ^Abbas, may Allah accept his deeds, reported that the Prophet ﷺ said:
"وَالَّذِي يَقُولُ : أَنصِت لَيسَ لَهُ جُمُعَةٌ"
"Whoever says 'Be silent', his Friday prayer is not complete."
Related by ‘Ahmad.
The words “لَا جُمُعَةَ لَهُ” (lit. "No Friday prayer for him") or “لَيسَ لَهُ جُمُعَةٌ” (lit. "He has no Friday prayer") signify that his Friday prayer is incomplete; furthermore, speaking diminishes the reward of his Friday prayer.
Is speaking during the Friday sermon prohibited?
There are two prominent opinions on this matter: the more correct view among the Shafi^iyys is that remaining silent is recommended but not obligatory, and speaking is not prohibited, though it is disliked. However, Malik, Al-‘Awza^iyy, ‘Abu Hanifah, and Ahmad hold that silence is obligatory and speaking is prohibited, though it does not invalidate one’s Friday prayer.
This ruling applies to the one who follows the imam. However, regarding the preacher, the correct opinion held by the majority is that it is recommended but not obligatory. It has been authentically reported that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ spoke during the sermon, and it is preferable to understand this as his speech being for a specific need.
The difference of opinion concerning the follower and the imam pertains only to speech that does not serve an urgent or significant purpose. For instance, if one were to see a blind person walking towards a well or a scorpion approaching an unaware individual and issued a warning, or if one advised someone toward good or forbade them from wrongdoing, this would be permitted without dispute. This ruling is explicitly stated by Ash-Shafi^iyy, and his companions unanimously concur with his position on the matter. However, they have noted that it is preferable to use gestures if the purpose can be achieved in that manner.
How can one supplicate during the sermon while being commanded to remain silent?
Ibnu Hajar al-Haytamiyy, in Sharh al-^ubab, reports that Al-Bulqiniyy was asked, "How can one make supplication during the sermon while being commanded to remain silent?" He replied that verbal expression is not a requirement for supplication; it is sufficient to make the supplication in one's heart. This is why there is a difference of opinion regarding whether it is recommended to say “’Amin” while the imam is making supplication.
And Allah knows best and is the most wise. All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
These matters are summarized and gathered from:
- The Noble Qur’an
- The Prophetic Sunnah.
- Sahih Al-Bukhariyy.
- Sahih Muslim.
- Sunan ‘Abi Dawud
- Musnad Imam ‘Ahmad
- Al-Majmu^ by Imam An-Nawawiyy
- Fathu l-Wahhab by Shaykh Zakariyya Al-‘Ansariyy
- Sharh al-^ubab by Ibnu Hajar al-Haytamiyy