Jun 21, 2020
The month of Ramadan
Refuting Calculations for Ramadan’s Start and End
Every year, a while before the beginning of the month of Ramadan, some statements and announcements are released that specify the day on which the blessed month of Ramadan starts. Similarly, several days before the end of Ramadan, they publish announcements declaring the last day of Ramadan and the day of ^Id al-Fitr.
Jun 20, 2020
Among sthe sins
Arrogance, enmity, and envy are all sins of the heart
Arrogance and having enmity for and envy of Muslims are all sins of the heart. These are bad attributes of which many people are unaware, because they do not know what they are or how to avoid them.
Jun 20, 2020
Fasting six days of Shawwal is akin to fasting the entire year
It is highly recommended to fast six days of the month of Shawwal, as this is a praiseworthy act that results in abundant reward. However, it is not required to fast for six days continuously without any interruption. One can fast according to convenience at any time during the month.
Jun 20, 2020
Illustrating the step-by-step journey of Hajj
Performing Hajj and ^Umrah once in a lifetime is obligatory upon the Muslim who is free, accountable, and can afford to reach Makkah and return to his homeplace. This includes that one has in excess of his debts, appropriate lodging and clothing, and what he is obligated to spend on those whom he must support from his departure until his return.
Jun 19, 2020
A comprehensive guide to understanding and observing fasting during Ramadan
The month of Ramadan is a great opportunity for tone to gain a great deal of reward. Reward is earned by performing this obligation in worship and obedience to Allah, and by performing many of the recommended (sunnah) deeds. Let the person not waste his time during this blessed month.
Jun 19, 2020
negative behaviours
Bullying uncovered: causes and lasting impact
The term Bullying (tanammur) has become increasingly prevalent in recent times, resonating among individuals of all ages—in schools and universities, workplaces, and public spaces. This phenomenon extends far beyond children, appearing to have profoundly infiltrated society at large.
Jun 19, 2020
prohibited acts
Undutifulness towards one's parents
^Uququ l-walidayn refers to any act that causes considerable harm or distress to one’s parents, or either of them, according to customary standards. Disobedience to one’s parents, or higher ancestors such as grandparents, is prohibited, even if someone of closer kinship remains alive.
Jun 19, 2020
Conditions for the prayer to be valid
The five prayers are among the best acts of worship that the Muslim performs. Performing them is the best deed after having the correct belief in God and His Messenger.
Jun 18, 2020
The True Belief
The True Belief
What did the Prophet teach his companions before the famous rulings were revealed?