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A beacon of light as ignorance spreads its obscure veil

Who we are and what we stand for

The Islamic Charitable Projects Association currently includes thousands of disciples and students of the educational guide the Shaykh ^Abdu l-Lah Al-Harariyy, and they are of various ages and academic and professional specializations, and are spread throughout Beirut and the Lebanese governorates but also outside Lebanon.


They constitute the fringe sects of destruction and diseased ideologies who had to conceal themselves with the cloak of Islam to spread their evil, disrupting its harmony.

Among the gravest misguidances

The Mu^tazilah's blasphemy lies in claiming that voluntary human actions are not by Allah’s will and power, asserting instead that only involuntary actions are by His will.


This issue is one of the ugliest issues in belief by which Ibn Taymiyyah dissented from the sound mind and the explicit tradition and Ijma’ of the Muslims.   

Jan 26, 2024

the mainstream route of 'Ash^ariyyah and Shafi^iyyah

Who are we? At the end of the year 1982, which witnessed the Zionist invasion of Lebanon, and the increasing need to establish educational and social institutions on a sound foundation and on a pure and moderate Islamic methodology, the students of the Shaykh ^Abdu l-Lah Al-Harariyy, the scholar of Hadith, may God have mercy on him, decided to join the framework of an association in which they would achieve their lofty goals of spreading the enlightened culture and benefit the society and the nation. There was an association in Lebanon founded in 1930 called the “Association of Islamic Ch…

May 28, 2020

Ahlu s-Sunnah wa l-Jama^ah: The way of the majority

'Ahlu s-sunnah wa l-Jama^ah are the majority of the Muslim nation. They are the people who rightfully followed the methodology of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ They include the companions and those who followed them in the essence of belief. They are the people referred to in the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah when he said what means: 'Let the one who seeks the vastness of Paradise remain steadfast to the majority.' The Jama^ah are the majority of true followers of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. It happened that after the year 260 after Hijrah, the perverted innovative beliefs of the M…

May 19, 2020

A beacon of light as ignorance spreads its obscure veil

The Islamic Charitable Projects Association currently includes thousands of disciples and students of the educational guide the Shaykh ^Abdu l-Lah Al-Harariyy, and they are of various ages and academic and professional specializations, and are spread throughout Beirut and the Lebanese governorates but also outside Lebanon.  The Islamic Charitable Projects Association is an endeavour of a group of committed and highly educated Muslims who collaborated with diverse community officials to establish what is the final frontier to bridge the gap between the needs of M…