Jun 16, 2020
Weigh your deeds before they are weighed!
The life of humans and jinn always ends with death and there is no exception. No one escapes death even if he is the best of God’s creation. ^Umar Ibnu l-Khattab held a high status amongst the tribe of Quraysh before being Muslim. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ recognised this and asked Allah to strengthen Islam by guiding ^Umar Ibnu l-Khattab or ‘Abu Jahl “^Amr Ibnu Hisham” to embrace Islam.
Jun 15, 2020
'Abu Dharr Al-Ghifariyy and traits of goodness
Abu Dharr Al-Ghifariyy, the companion of the Prophet ﷺ said: “My confidant entrusted me with habits of goodness. He entrusted that I love the needy (masakin) and be close to them”.
Jun 3, 2020
The righteous caliphs
Master ^Aliyy the son of 'Abu Talib, lead as caliph for nearly five years
The honourable Prophet, peace be upon him, said what means, the Muslims should be keen to abide by his straight and correct path, and the path of the righteously guided caliphs after him.
Jun 3, 2020
Al-Husayn the Martyr Imam
"No one who has ever participated in the killing of Al-Husayn has escaped meeting a dire fate."
Allah, the Exalted, has blessed the family of the greatest Prophet ﷺ with a great status and a pure noble kinship. And made among them the generous imams and the knowledgeable scholars who were the lights through the darkness of fitan (seditions) and corruption. They defended the Religion fiercely with speech and spears, commanded the obligatory (ma^ruf) and forbade the unlawful (munkar); nothing ever scared them from obeying and implementing the orders of Allah.
Jun 2, 2020
The freedman of fire
Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, the best Companion
Our master Abu Bakr was the first man to enter Islam and is considered the best among the Companions. He possessed many noble qualities such as forbearance, courage, and generosity. In the eleventh year of the Hegira, he was appointed as the first Caliph, and all the Companions agreed on his Caliphate. He was also known by the nicknames ^Atiq and As-Siddiq."
Jun 2, 2020
among the earliest converts to Islam
Abu ^Ubaydah: a legacy of faith and leadership
Abu ^Ubaydah ^Amir Ibnu l-Jarrah stood among the earliest converts to Islam, distinguished by his virtues, piety, and unwavering honesty. He was a prolific transmitter of the Prophet's teachings.
Lineage and Early Days
Known by his full name, Abu ^Ubaydah ^Amir, son of ^Abdu l-Lah, son of Al-Jarrah, Al-Fihriyy from the Quraysh tribe, he embraced Islam before the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ entered the house of Al-'Arqam.
Active Participation and Exemplary Traits
Abu ^Ubaydah actively participated in pivotal events alongside the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and earned renown for his uprightness…
May 29, 2020
Zayd ibnu l-Khattab
If my brother had been killed at Al-Yamamah as your brother was, I would never have wept for him!
The annals of Islamic history and the illustrious pages of Muhammadan glory are replete with the names of heroes who inscribed the most magnificent acts of heroism and the noblest of Muhammadan demeanours on these pages. Each of them, whilst deeply devoted to his faith and showing mercy towards his brethren, was equally relentless against the enemies of the religion.
Apr 17, 2020
Among the statements of our master Abu Bakr As-Siddiq
"Recognizing one's inability to comprehend the reality of Allah is a realization of the essence of faith."
Among the statements of our master Abu Bakr As-Siddiq confirming that God exists without place or how.
Az-Zarkachiyy reported in Tachnifu l-Masami^, and the master Ahmad Ar-Rifa^iyy Al-Kabir reported in Al-Bourhan Al-Mu'ayyad from our master Ab u Bakr As-Siddiq who died in the year 13 of the Hegira, that he said (al-^ajzu ^an daraki l-'idraki 'idraku):
This means "Recognizing one's inability to comprehend the reality of Allah is a realization of the essence of faith."
The acknowledgement that our intellect is unable to comprehend the reality of Allah constitutes true knowledge…
Apr 17, 2020
In the Footsteps of the Prophet
Sa^id ibnu Zayd : his life and legacy echoing through time
Sa^id ibnu Zayd was one of the first to embrace Islam. He was one of the ten granted the glad tidings of Paradise and known for his prayers being answered.