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Islamic Rituals Archive

Jun 19, 2020

Beneath the mizab

  It is the component fixed atop the roof of the honoured Ka^bah above al-hatim on the northern side. The mizab measures 2.58 metres in length, of which 58 centimetres are embedded within the wall. Its width is 25 centimetres, and its height is 23 centimetres.

Jun 19, 2020

wraparound garment

  The Shadharwan is a slender structure affixed to the wall of the Ka^bah. Its height above the ground varies, ranging from approximately two and a half hand spans in some areas to one and a half hand spans in others.

Jun 19, 2020

a white sapphire from Paradise

The Black Stone, which graces the corner of the honoured Ka^bah, stands as one of the most revered relics in Islamic history. Originally a white sapphire from Paradise, it turned black when touched by the idolaters.

Jun 19, 2020

it harms and benefits

  It is narrated by the two Shaykhs (Al-Bukhariyy and Muslim) from ^Umar ibnu l-Khattab, may Allah accept his deeds, that he kissed the Black Stone and then said:

Jun 19, 2020

the Enclosure of ‘Isma^il

Hijr‘Isma^il is a semicircular structure rising 1.30 metres above the ground, with a width of six cubits and a span (approximately 3 metres). Positioned north of the revered Ka^bah, one end of Hijr ‘Isma^il aligns with its northern corner, while the other aligns with the western corner. This site is also called Al-Hatim because it was broken and excluded from it.

Jun 12, 2020


'Udhiyah (offering a blood sacrifice) is a great ritual of the religion and an emphasised practice. Al-Bukhariyy and Muslim narrated in their Sahih that the Prophet ﷺ sacrificed two big white rams which he slaughtered by his own hand and said ‘bismi l-Lah Allahu 'Akbar’. The merit of the one who revives this practice is very great.

Jun 11, 2020


There is consensus among the scholars that it is Sunnah to visit the grave of the Prophet ﷺ, both for he who lives in Al-Madinah and he who travels there for the express purpose of visiting the Prophet’s grave, and doing so is a great act of obedience. It is Sunnah for the visitor to also have the intention to travel to pray in the mosque of the Prophet. Whoever travels to Al-Madinah for this purpose should remember in his heart the great honor of the city of Al-Madinah, and that it is the best city after Makkah. He should ask Allah to benefit him from this visit and to accept it as…

Jun 9, 2020

quench your thirst

  The water of Zamzam is held sacred by Muslims due to its profound religious significance. It is beneficial for both spiritual and physical ailments, such as seeking forgiveness.

Jun 9, 2020

New music coming

  It is established in the Sahih that the Prophet ﷺ performed the two rak^ahs of tawaf behind the maqam. It is also narrated from ^Abdu l-Lah ibnu ‘Abi ‘Awfa, may Allah accept his deeds, that the Prophet ﷺ performed ^umrah, circumambulated the Ka^bah, and prayed behind the maqam. It is further related that supplications are answered behind the maqam[1].