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quench your thirst

Zamzam well's location was lost for centuries!

 |  Shaykh Walid As-Samami^ah  |  Islamic Rituals

والصَّلَاةُ والسَّلاَمُ عَلَى سَيّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ أَشْرَفِ اْلمُرْسَلِيْنَ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ الطَّيّبِيْنَ الطَّاهِرِيْن


The water of Zamzam is held sacred by Muslims due to its profound religious significance. It is beneficial for both spiritual and physical ailments, such as seeking forgiveness.

Location of the Well

The Zamzam Well is located within the Sacred Sanctuary of Makkah (Al-Haramu l-Makkiyy), approximately 20 metres away from the Ka^bah. The well's opening is situated beneath the circumambulation area (al-Mataf), at a depth of 1.56 metres, behind the Maqam of ‘Ibrahim to the left, directly facing the Ka^bah.

Sections of the Well

The well is divided into two parts:

  1. The first section is constructed at a depth of 12.80 metres from the well's opening.
  2. The second section is carved into the mountain rock, measuring 17.20 metres, making the total depth of the well 30 metres from its opening to its bottom.

The Springs That Feed the Zamzam Well

Three springs feed the Zamzam Well:

  1. A spring opposite the Black Corner (Ar-ruknu l-‘aswad).
  2. A spring opposite Mount ‘Abu Qubays and As-Safa.
  3. A spring opposite Al-Marwah.

Names of Zamzam water

Among the Arabs, the multitude of names for something signifies its honour and distinction. Zamzam has many names, including:

  • Zamzam
  • Hazmatu Jibril (Gabriel’s strike, referring to his strike with the heel of his foot).
  • Suqya l-Lah ‘Isma^il (The Provision of Allah to ‘Isma^il).
  • barakah wa Sayyidah (Blessing and Mistress).
  • Nafi^ah (Beneficial).
  • ^Awnah (Assistance).
  • Bushra (Glad Tidings).
  • Safiyah (Pure).
  • Barrah (Virtuous).
  • ^Ismah (Preservation).
  • Salimah (Safe).
  • Maymunah (Auspicious).
  • Mubarakah (Blessed).
  • Kafiyah (Sufficient).
  • ^Afiyah (Wholesome).
  • Mughadh-dhiyah (Nourishing).
  • Tahirah (Pure).
  • Murwiyah (Quenching).
  • Ṭa^amu tu^m (Sustenance that satisfies).
  • Shifaʾu suqm (Healing of ailments).
  • Shabba^atu l-^iyal (Satiating for household).
  • Sharabu l-‘abrar (Drink of the Righteous).

A Brief Account of the Story of the Zamzam Well

When Prophet ‘Ibrahim brought his son ‘Isma^il and his mother Hajar to Mecca, he left them with a supply of dates and water before departing. As their provisions were depleted, thirst overcame them. Hajar ascended the hill of As-Safa, hoping to spot someone. She then went to the hill of Al-Marwah and stood there but saw no one. She hurried between As-Safa and Al-Marwah seven times, and on the seventh, she heard a sound. An angel struck the ground with his wing, and water emerged. She drank and nursed her son. A tribe from Yemen, Jurhum, settled in Mecca and remained there for as long as Allah willed. However, when the sanctity of the Ka^bah was disregarded, the Zamzam water dried up, and the well's location was lost for centuries.

One night, ^Abdu l-Muttalib, the grandfather of the Prophet ﷺ, had a dream in which a voice commanded him to excavate the Zamzam well at a specific location. He dug the well, and the water emerged. He made the well accessible to all who sought to drink and assumed responsibility for providing water. This role later transitioned to Al-^Abbas ibnu ^Abdi l-Muttalib, a position the Prophet ﷺ affirmed on the Day of Conquest (Yawmu l-Fath). In the era preceding Islam, the well was known as Shabbaʿatu l-^iyal (“that which satisfies dependents”) and Hafiratu ^Abdi l-Muttalib (“the excavation of ^Abdu l-Muttalib”).

‘Ummu ‘Ayman, the caretaker of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, recounted that “He never complained of hunger or thirst. Each early morning, he would drink from Zamzam water each morning early, and when we offered him food, he would say, “I am satiated.

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:

"ماء زمزم لما شرب له، فإذا شربته تستشفي به شَفَاك الله، وإذا شربته مستعيذا به أعاذك الله، وإن شربته لتقطع ظمأك قطعه الله"

"The water of Zamzam is for whatever it is consumed for. If you drink it seeking healing, Allah will grant you healing. If you drink it seeking refuge, Allah will grant you His protection. And if you drink it to quench your thirst, Allah will quench your thirst."

(Musnad of Imam ‘Ahmad; As-Sunanu l-Kubra by Al-Bayhaqiyy; Sunan Ibnu Majah)


The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:

"انفرج سَقْفُ بيتي وأنا بمكة فنزل جبريل، ففَرَجَ صدري، ثم غسله بماء زمزم، ثم جاء بِطَسْتٍ من ذهب ممتلئ حكمةً وإيمانا، فأَفْرَغَها في صدري ثم أطبقه"

"The ceiling of my house in Mecca was opened, and Jibril (Gabriel) descended. He opened my chest, washed it with Zamzam water, then brought a golden basin filled with wisdom and faith, and emptied it into my chest before sealing it."

(Sahih Al-Bukhariyy)