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Refutations Archive

Jun 22, 2020

the severity of the torture

Know that Allah mentioned in the Qur’an that torture for blasphemers in Hellfire will not be lessened or reduced; this is mentioned in the Qur’an under many ‘ayahs. In clear and explicit terms the Qur’an mentions that the severity of the torture destined for blasphemers will vary from one blasphemer to another, but that destined severity will not be lessened; not even for the relatives of Prophet Muhammad who died on blasphemy. The Prophet relayed that among the blasphemers in Hellfire, his uncle ''Abu Lahab, will receive the least severe of torture. But, contrary to what some people claim, t…

Jun 21, 2020

meaningless controversies

A group of people called Hizb At-Tahrir{1} emerged to spread falsehood and incite meaningless controversies. The founder of this party was a man named Taqiyyud-Din an-Nabahaniyy. He unrightfully claimed for himself the status of ijtihad and ignorantly dealt with the issues of the Religion. Consequently, he perverted and belied the Book of Allah, the Sunnah of His Messenger ﷺ, and contravened the scholarly consensus ('ijma^) in cases pertaining to both the fundamentals and the ramifications of the Religion.

Jun 21, 2020

forms of worship

Imam An-Nawawiyy (d. 676 H.) said in his book Al-Adhkar: “It has been reported to us through Sunanu l-Bayhaqiyy with a chain of narration classified as hasan, that Ibnu ^Umar regarded the recitation of the beginning of Suratu l-Baqarah and its ending upon the grave of a newly buried Muslim as a mustahab (likeable) matter”.

Jun 20, 2020

 The Sunniyy Articles

Know that, although ‘ Ibnu Taymiyyah had many writings and a fame, he is as the Muhaddith, hafidh, Faqih , Waliyyu d-Din al-^Iraqiyy, the son of the Shaykh of Huffadh, Zaynu d-Din al-^Iraqiyy , in his book “Al-‘ajwibatu l-mardiyyah” said about him: His knowledge is bigger than his mind. He also said: He infringed the 'ijma^ in many issues, which was said to be sixty issues, some of which are in the ‘ Usul and others in the Furu^ [ Al-‘Usul is ^Ilmu t-tawhid, the Science of the belief in Allah and His Messenger. Al-Furu^ deals with the Islamic matters other than those of belief (‘Usul…

Jun 18, 2020


Ibnu Taymiyyah’s saying of Allah sitting is confirmed about him, although some of his followers negated this when they found it ugly. He mentioned this in his book “Minhaju s-Sunnati n-Nabawiyyah” by saying: The majority of ‘Ahlu s-Sunnah wa l-Jama^ah say that Allah, tabaraka wa ta^ala, [ Tabaraka wa ta^ala attributes the giving and perfection to Allah.] descends and al-^Arsh does not get void of Him. He claimed that this was reported about ‘Ishaq‘Ibnu Rahawayh, Hammad ‘Ibnu Zayd, Imam ‘Ahmad, and others. He is a fabricator and a great liar about that. In his Tafsir named “An-nahr”, t…

Jun 11, 2020

Muslims unanimously agreed

The symbol of guidance, Imam Abu Mansur Al-Maturidiyy (died 333 H), refuted those who likened Allah to creation in his era, affirming the creed of Ahlu s-Sunnah wa l-Jama^ah. He clarified that Allah is free from residing in any place, while explaining that the sky is simply the direction of du^aʾ and not a residence for Allah. Far be it for Allah to be attributed with such a limitation!

Jun 11, 2020


  Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “The extremist fanatics are doomed.” Although extremism is not a new phenomenon, the rebel exacerbations witnessed today require prompt action and a strong resolve. The global extremist movement driving this form of anarchy is manifested in groups known by a multitude of names hiding behind Islam to roam among the Islamic communities without drawing suspicion.

Jun 11, 2020

Among the gravest misguidances

Among the biggest misguidance is the blasphemy of The Mu^tazilah in saying “the human creates his actions”, they have contradicted the verse: ﴾اللَّهُ خَالِقُ كُلِّ شَىءٍ﴿ "Allah is The Creator of everything" (Surah Az-Zumar Verse 62)

Jun 9, 2020


This issue is one of the ugliest issues in belief by which ‘ Ibnu Taymiyyah dissented from the sound mind and the explicit tradition and 'ijma^ of the Muslims. He mentioned this belief in five of his books: “Minhaju s-Sunnati n-Nabawiyyah”, “Muwafaqatu sarihi l-ma^qul l i sahihi l-manqul”, “Sharhu Hadithi n-Nuzul”, “ Sharhu Hadithi ^Imran‘Ibnu Husayn”, and “Naqdu maratibi l-'ijma^”. ‘Ibnu Taymiyyah’s statement in “Minhaju s-Sunnati n-Nabawiyyah”, Volume I, page 24 is: If you say to us: You said of the occurrence of the hawadith in Allah, we say to you: Yes, and this saying of ours is w…