"I saw the inhabitants of the graves rising, with all of the creation assembled", he said

والصَّلَاةُ والسَّلاَمُ عَلَى سَيّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ أَشْرَفِ اْلمُرْسَلِيْنَ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ الطَّيّبِيْنَ الطَّاهِرِيْن
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:
«إِنَّ الرَّجُلَ لَيَعمَلُ بِعَمَلِ أَهلِ النَّارِ حَتَّى مَا يَكُونُ بَينَهُ وَبَينَهَا إِلَّا ذِرَاعٌ فَيَسبِقُ عَلَيهِ الكِتَابُ فَيَعمَلُ بِعَمَلِ أَهلِ الجَنَّةِ فَيَدخُلُ الجَنَّةَ»
"Indeed, a man may act in accordance with the deeds of the people of Hell, drawing so near to it that only an arm's length separates him from it. Yet, what has been decreed overtakes him, leading him to perform the deeds of the people of Paradise, and he ultimately enters Paradise."
Narrated by Al-Bukhariyy.
The true measure lies in one's final state, and numerous accounts exist of individuals who repented and returned to righteousness after having lived in transgression and excess against themselves. Among the renowned righteous individuals are those who lived in disobedience but repented sincerely, their repentance becoming so profound that they rose to be among the most esteemed saints (awliyaʾ) of Allah ta^ala. One such figure is Malik ibn Dinar, may Allah accept his deeds, whose story we shall delve into today.
The repentance of Malik ibn Dinar
Malik ibn Dinar, may Allah ta^ala accept his deeds, was asked about the origin of his repentance. He said: "A daughter was born to me, and I cherished her with great love. As she began to walk, my affection for her deepened even further. Whenever I drank intoxicants, she would approach, tipping over the bottle and spilling its contents onto my clothes. When she reached the age of two, she passed away, leaving me in profound grief.
One day, I fell asleep in a drunken stupor, and in my dream, I saw the inhabitants of the graves rising, with all of the creation assembled in the place of gathering [for the reckoning], and I was among them. I then heard a voice behind me, so I turned, and before me stood a colossal serpent, one of the greatest to exist, black and blue in hue. Its appearance was horrifying, and it opened its mouth, swiftly advancing toward me as though it sought to consume me.
I fled hastily, overcome by terror and dread. As I ran, I passed by an elderly shaykh adorned in pure garments, with a beautiful appearance and a pleasant fragrance. I greeted him, and he returned my greeting. I said to him, "Grant me refuge and assist me!" He replied, "I am weak, and this creature is stronger than I; I am powerless against it. However, continue swiftly on your way, for perhaps Allah, ta^ala, will provide you with a means of escape.'
I continued fleeing and ascended to an elevated place, from where I overlooked the layers of fire below. Its dreadful sight filled me with such panic that I nearly fell into it, all the while the serpent continued to pursue me. Suddenly, I heard a voice proclaim, 'Turn back, for you are not among its people.' Reassured by these words, I turned back."
He turned back, and the serpent resumed its pursuit of him. He said, "I came to the shaykh and said, 'O shaykh, I sought your refuge from this serpent, but you did not help me.' The shaykh wept and said, 'I am weak. However, go to that mountain, for within it are the children of Muslims who died in their youth. If you have one of your there, he will come to your aid.'
He turned back, and the serpent resumed its pursuit. He recounted, 'I approached the shaykh and pleaded, 'O shaykh, I sought your refuge from this serpent, but you did not aid me.' The shaykh wept and replied, 'I am weak. However, go to that mountain, for within it lie the entrusted ones. If you have one among them, they will come to your aid.'
I gazed toward a rounded mountain, adorned with hanging openings and the most beautiful silk curtains, embellished with abundant jewellery. I fled towards the mountain, the serpent still pursuing me. As I drew nearer, some angels called out, "Lift the curtains and look out, perhaps this wretched man has an entrusted called out one among them who will grant him refuge from his enemy." The curtains were lifted, revealing children with faces like moons. As the serpent closed in, I was filled with confusion. Then one of the children cried out, "Look, all of you! It had come close to him!" They appeared in waves, one group after another.
Suddenly, my daughter, who had passed away, appeared among them. When she saw me, she began to cry and said, "Father, by Allah!" Then she leapt like an arrow, and in an instant, she was in front of me. She extended her left hand towards my right, and I grasped it. She then stretched her right hand towards the serpent, which fled. She seated me and sat in my lap, saying, «O my father, ﴾أَلَم يَأنِ للذِينَ ءَامَنُوا أَن تَخشَعَ قُلُوبُهُم لِذِكرِ اللهِ﴿ "Has the time not come for those who believe, that their hearts should soften to the remembrance of Allah?"
I wept and said, "O my daughter, do you know the Qur'an?" She replied, "O my father, we know it better than you." I asked, "Then tell me about the serpent that sought to kill me." She replied, "That is [the embodiment of] your evil deeds; you gave it strength (by your many sins and the drinking of alcohol). It sought to drown you in the fire of Hell." I then asked, "Tell me about the shaykh I passed on my way." She said, "O my father, that was your good deeds, which you weakened until they lacked the power to oppose your evil deeds.”
He said: "I awoke in a state of alarm, and when morning arrived, I left behind what I had been doing and turned in repentance to Allah, the Almighty. And this is the cause of my repentance."
Hasten, O you who disobey Allah daily, to repentance. For by Allah, there will be moments on the Day of Judgment that will turn children’s hair grey. In the intensity of those moments, the pregnant woman will drop her burden, and people will be overwhelmed with terror, except for those whose righteous deeds will save them.
Imagine the bridge stretched over Hell, and you are tasked with walking upon it, crossing above the fire. You see people falling into the fire, may Allah protect us, while the righteous have passed by safely. You hear the howling and roaring of the fire, and you witness its sparks and flames rising and scattering. Fear and terror have overtaken you, and your heart is filled with deep remorse and sorrow. You advance with one foot, hesitating with the other. What will you wish for at that moment? Will you not long for the chance to return, to perform righteous deeds that will save you in that moment? You are now in the realm of wishful thinking.
These issues are compiled and summarised from:
- The Noble Qur’an
- Sahihu l-Bukhariyy
- Al-Tawwabin by Ibnu Qudamah