Real love
"I am content with you just as you are", she responded

والصَّلَاةُ والسَّلاَمُ عَلَى سَيّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ أَشْرَفِ اْلمُرْسَلِيْنَ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ الطَّيّبِيْنَ الطَّاهِرِيْن
Sahl ibnu Sa^d as-Sa^idiyy narrated that: “A man approached the Prophet ﷺ and inquired, ‘O Messenger of Allah, direct me to a deed which, if I perform it, will endear me to Allah and endear me to the people.’ The Prophet ﷺ responded:
‘ازهَد فِي الدُّنيَا يُحِبَّكَ اللهُ، وَازهَد فِيمَا فِي أَيدِي النَّاسِ يُحِبَّكَ النَّاسُ’
"Forsake attachment to the world, and Allah will love you; forsake attachment to what others possess, and the people will love you.’"
This hadith is recorded by Ibnu Majah in his Sunan.
Asceticism holds an esteemed place in Islam; it is a noble trait that primarily encourages devotion to the Hereafter and turning away from the fleeting, perishable world. Preoccupation with worldly concerns often diverts one’s attention from the Hereafter and the effort required for it. Therefore, one must abandon heedlessness and immersion in worldly affairs, for the end is ultimately the grave, and one’s final destination is either Paradise or Hell. How, then, can one attain Paradise without striving for it and following its path?
Islamic teachings ardently promote asceticism, urging believers to renounce excessive attachment to this world in many instances. The stories of ascetics date back to the time of the Prophet ﷺ and his Companions, who set remarkable examples of asceticism, renouncing worldly pleasures out of desire for Allah's reward. This tradition continued through successive generations of ascetics, reaching into our present day. Among these inspiring stories is the account of a pious woman, the daughter of a king from the Children of Israel.
The Story of the Pious Woman
There was a Muslim, devout, righteous woman from the Children of Israel, the daughter of a king. Though a man of royal lineage proposed to her, she declined his offer, fearing that marriage to him might lead her to become absorbed in worldly life. She desired instead to marry a pious man who would help her focus on the Hereafter. So, she instructed her servant, "Go and find me a man who is virtuous, ascetic, devout, and of modest means."
The servant set out in search of the man her mistress desired and found a poor, devout, and pious worshipper. She conveyed her mistress’s proposal to him and brought him to meet her. The woman said to him, “If you wish to marry me, I will accompany you to someone who will arrange the marriage contract.” He agreed, and they completed the marriage contract, and she became his wife.
Subhana l-Lah! This noblewoman, fearing the allure of worldly life, longed for Allah's reward and sought a humble man to marry, hoping he would support her commitment to the Hereafter. And this poor man, through the blessing of his asceticism, piety, and devotion, was granted what many young men aspire to today—marriage—without the need for concern or effort. For here was a princess of noble status, lineage, beauty, and wealth, who came forward seeking him in marriage.
Then the princess said to her husband, "Take me to your family and your home." He replied, "By Allah, I have nothing except this cloak on my back; it is my covering by night and my garment by day." She responded, "I am content with you just as you are."
This man worked during the day to earn a living and would buy food for her at night, which she used to break her fast. She refrained from eating during the day, choosing instead to fast voluntarily for the sake of Allah ta^ala. Whenever he brought her something, she would break her fast with it, praising Allah ta^ala in all circumstances. She dedicated herself to worship, showing no concern for her father's wealth, nor his kingdom and power.
One day, he was unable to find anything to bring her, and he was greatly distressed by this, finding it difficult to bear. He thought to himself, "My wife is sitting at home, fasting, waiting for me to bring her something with which she can break her fast," and his heart sank with sorrow. He then stood up, performed ablution, prayed, and made a supplication to his Lord, saying, "O Lord, You know that I do not ask You for my own worldly needs, but only to please a righteous wife. O Allah, provide me with sustenance from Your bounty, for You are the best of providers."
At that very moment, a pearl descended from the heavens. He took it and went to his wife. When she saw it, she asked, 'Where did you find this pearl? I've never seen anything like it in my family.' He replied, "Today, I sought food but found none. I then prayed to my Lord, and He granted me this pearl from the sky." She said, “Return to the place where you prayed to Allah ta^ala, beseech Him and ask: 'O Allah, my Lord and Master, if this is something You have granted us in this world, then bless it for us. But if it is something You have reserved for us in the everlasting Hereafter, then elevate it.’”
Her husband went and followed her instructions, and suddenly, the pearl was raised. Upon his return, he informed his wife. She said: 'Praise be to Allah, who has shown us what He has reserved for us in the Hereafter.' She then added, 'I no longer care if I possess nothing of this fleeting world.' She expressed her gratitude to Allah ta^ala for this.
Consider the sincerity of this couple, united by their love for the Hereafter and their devotion to it. They were earnest in their pursuit of the Hereafter, and Allah ta^ala manifested to them a glimpse of what He has prepared for them in the Hereafter, as a reward for their righteous deeds."
Conclusion: Reflecting on the Hereafter and renouncing the world
Let each of us reflect upon what we have prepared for the Hereafter, what we have sent ahead for our graves. Many couples today are absorbed in the affairs of this world, neglecting the concerns of the Hereafter. They fail to treat one another in accordance with the laws of Allah. It is essential for both spouses to focus on building their home upon the foundation of the fear of Allah ta^ala, for piety is the cornerstone of the righteousness of the soul. When the relationship between any two individuals is rooted in piety, the result is a relationship that is pure, beneficial, and fruitful.
And Allah ta^ala knows best and is the most wise. All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds.