beside the Black Stone
No one supplicates for anything at al-Multazam except that it is answered
Allah has designated specific places within His Sacred House with particular distinctions,among which is al-Multazam.

Allah has designated specific places within His Sacred House with particular distinctions. The honoured Ka^bah, the sanctuary to which hearts are drawn, and the Qiblah for Muslims across the earth. Within it are locations of immense virtue, among which is al-Multazam.
The term ‘Multazam’ is derived from the root ‘luzum’ (adherence). The verb ‘alzamtuhu’ means ‘I upheld it, I established it firmly’ while ‘iltazamtuhu’ means ‘I embraced it’. Consequently, the area between the door of the Ka^bah and the Black Stone is referred to as al-Multazam, as people embrace it, pressing it against their chests. It is also named so because individuals adhere to it in their supplications, seeking the fulfilment of their needs. Among the Shafi^iyyah, it is referred to as al-Muta^awwadh and al-Hatim.
The Location of al-Multazam
al-Multazam is situated between the corner of the Black Stone and the door of the honoured Ka^bah, spanning approximately two metres. Ibnu ^Abbas, may Allah accept his deeds, said: "This is al-Multazam, between the corner and the door," as narrated by ^Abdu r-Razzaq in his Musannaf. Similarly, Mujahid stated: "What lies between the corner and the door is al-Multazam", as recorded in ‘Akhbaru Makkah by Al-Fakihiyy.
A Place for Answered Supplications
It is a location distinguished by the promise that whoever stands there and seeks the assistance of Allah, ^azza wa jall, with a sincere heart will have their supplications answered. Hence, it is a place where prayers are answered. For this reason, it is named ‘Mawdi^u ‘ijabati wa qadaʾi l-hawa’ij’ (the place of answered prayers and fulfilled needs). It is recommended to supplicate there while pressing one’s cheeks, chest, forearms, and palms against it, as it has been narrated that ^Abdu l-Lah ibnu ^Amr ibnu l-^As performed tawaf, offered prayer, and then reached out to the corner of the Ka^bah. He stood between the Black Stone and the door, pressing his chest, hands, and cheek against it, and said: "This is how I saw the Messenger of Allah ﷺ do." This report is found in the works of Ibnu Majah, ‘Abu Dawud, and others.
In the work Akhbār Makkah by Al-Fakihiyy, it is reported that ‘Abu z-Zubayr said:
"رأيت عبد الله بن عمر وابن عباس وعبد الله بن الزبير يلتزمونه"
“I saw ^Abdu l-Lah ibnu ^Umar, Ibnu ^Abbas, and ^Abdu l-Lah ibnu z-Zubayr embrace al-Multazam.”
Ibnu ^Abbas himself stated:
"إن ما بين الحجر والباب لا يقوم فيه إنسان فيدعو الله تعالى بشىء إلا رأى في حاجته بعض الذي يحب"
“No one stands and supplicates to Allah ta^ala for anything between the corner of the Black Stone and the door, except that they witness something of what they seek in their need.”
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:
"ما دعا أحد بشىءٍ في الملتزم إلا استجيب له"
"No one supplicates for anything at al-Multazam except that it is answered."
(Al-Firdaws by Ad-Daylamiyy)
Ibnu ^Abbas said:
"وأنا فما دعوت الله بشىء في هذا الملتزم منذ سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إلا استجيب لي"
"I myself have never supplicated to Allah for anything at al-Multazam since I heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, except that it was answered for me."
This is mentioned by al-Qadi ^Iyad in his book Ash-Shifaʾ.
Similar statements have been reported from ^Umar, Ibnu Dinar, Sufyan, Al-Humaydiyy, Ash-Shafi^iyy, Muhammad ibnu l-Hasan, Muhammad ibnu ‘Ahmad al-Harawiyy, ‘Abu l-^Abbas al-^Udhriyy, and others. Ash-Shafi^iyy said: "And I prefer that when he bids farewell to the House, he should stand at al-Multazam, which is between the corner and the door, and say:
"اللهم إن البيت بيتك والعبد عبدك"
'O Allah, indeed this House is Your House, and this servant is Your servant.'"
From his book Al-‘Umm.