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beside the Black Stone

No one supplicates for anything at al-Multazam except that it is answered

By Shaykh Walid As-Samami^ah

Allah has designated specific places within His Sacred House with particular distinctions,among which is al-Multazam.

 |  Islamic Rituals


Allah has designated specific places within His Sacred House with particular distinctions. The honoured Ka^bah, the sanctuary to which hearts are drawn, and the Qiblah for Muslims across the earth. Within it are locations of immense virtue, among which is al-Multazam.

The term ‘Multazam’ is derived from the root ‘luzum’ (adherence). The verb ‘alzamtuhu’ means ‘I upheld it, I established it firmly’ while ‘iltazamtuhu’ means ‘I embraced it’. Consequently, the area between the door of the Ka^bah and the Black Stone is referred to as al-Multazam, as people embrace it, pressing it against their chests. It is also named so because individuals adhere to it in their supplications, seeking the fulfilment of their needs. Among the Shafi^iyyah, it is referred to as al-Muta^awwadh and al-Hatim.

The Location of al-Multazam

al-Multazam is situated between the corner of the Black Stone and the door of the honoured Ka^bah, spanning approximately two metres. Ibnu ^Abbas, may Allah accept his deeds, said: "This is al-Multazam, between the corner and the door," as narrated by ^Abdu r-Razzaq in his Musannaf. Similarly, Mujahid stated: "What lies between the corner and the door is al-Multazam", as recorded in ‘Akhbaru Makkah by Al-Fakihiyy.

A Place for Answered Supplications

It is a location distinguished by the promise that whoever stands there and seeks the assistance of Allah, ^azza wa jall, with a sincere heart will have their supplications answered. Hence, it is a place where prayers are answered. For this reason, it is named ‘Mawdi^u ‘ijabati wa qadaʾi l-hawa’ij’ (the place of answered prayers and fulfilled needs). It is recommended to supplicate there while pressing one’s cheeks, chest, forearms, and palms against it, as it has been narrated that ^Abdu l-Lah ibnu ^Amr ibnu l-^As performed tawaf, offered prayer, and then reached out to the corner of the Ka^bah. He stood between the Black Stone and the door, pressing his chest, hands, and cheek against it, and said: "This is how I saw the Messenger of Allah ﷺ do." This report is found in the works of Ibnu Majah, ‘Abu Dawud, and others.

In the work Akhbār Makkah by Al-Fakihiyy, it is reported that ‘Abu z-Zubayr said:

"رأيت عبد الله بن عمر وابن عباس وعبد الله بن الزبير يلتزمونه"

“I saw ^Abdu l-Lah ibnu ^Umar, Ibnu ^Abbas, and ^Abdu l-Lah ibnu z-Zubayr embrace al-Multazam.”

Ibnu ^Abbas himself stated:

"إن ما بين الحجر والباب لا يقوم فيه إنسان فيدعو الله تعالى بشىء إلا رأى في حاجته بعض الذي يحب"

“No one stands and supplicates to Allah ta^ala for anything between the corner of the Black Stone and the door, except that they witness something of what they seek in their need.”


The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:

"ما دعا أحد بشىءٍ في الملتزم إلا استجيب له"

"No one supplicates for anything at al-Multazam except that it is answered."

(Al-Firdaws by Ad-Daylamiyy)

Ibnu ^Abbas said:

"وأنا فما دعوت الله بشىء في هذا الملتزم منذ سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إلا استجيب لي"

"I myself have never supplicated to Allah for anything at al-Multazam since I heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, except that it was answered for me."

This is mentioned by al-Qadi ^Iyad in his book Ash-Shifaʾ.


Similar statements have been reported from ^Umar, Ibnu Dinar, Sufyan, Al-Humaydiyy, Ash-Shafi^iyy, Muhammad ibnu l-Hasan, Muhammad ibnu ‘Ahmad al-Harawiyy, ‘Abu l-^Abbas al-^Udhriyy, and others. Ash-Shafi^iyy said: "And I prefer that when he bids farewell to the House, he should stand at al-Multazam, which is between the corner and the door, and say:

"اللهم إن البيت بيتك والعبد عبدك"

'O Allah, indeed this House is Your House, and this servant is Your servant.'"

From his book Al-‘Umm.

Shaykh Walid As-Samami^ah

هو الشيخ الدكتور وليد سعيد السمامعة، من مواليد مدينة الزرقاء سنة 1970 م، درس أصول الدين وفروعه وخصوصا الفقه الشافعي، ونال شهادة الماجستير في العقيدة الإسلامية والدكتوراه في التصوف الإسلامي المعتدل وعمل في مجال البحث والإرشاد الديني وتأهيل الدعاة والأئمة والخطباء نحوا من ثلاثين عاما، وتجول في بعض البلاد العربية والأوروبية للبحث والتدريس واللقاءات والمؤتمرات الدينية، وما زال يعمل على نشر مفاهيم الوسطية والاعتدال الديني من خلال لقاءاته ودروسه ومواقع التواصل الاجتماعي الخاصة به وتثقيف الشباب بأهمية الوعي الديني ونشر علم أهل السنة والجماعة.