Jun 19, 2020
The Envoy to Yazdegerd
"Rejoice, for Allah has granted us the reins of their kingdom", he said
Prior to the Battle of al-Qadisiyyah, the esteemed commander Sa^d ibnu ‘Abi Waqqas, may Allah accept his deeds, dispatched a delegation of distinguished leaders to the Persian monarch, Yazdegerd. The king, known for his arrogance and corruption, harboured a deep-seated disdain for both the Arabs and the Muslims.
Jun 19, 2020
Qur'an & Hadith
The two types of Qur'an verses
Allah is the One Who has sent down to the Prophet the Book that contains muhkam ayahs, which are the foundation of the Book, and other ayahs which are mutashabih.
Jun 19, 2020
negative behaviours
Bullying uncovered: causes and lasting impact
The term Bullying (tanammur) has become increasingly prevalent in recent times, resonating among individuals of all ages—in schools and universities, workplaces, and public spaces. This phenomenon extends far beyond children, appearing to have profoundly infiltrated society at large.
Jun 19, 2020
the Enclosure of ‘Isma^il
A soothing breeze shall flow until the Day of Resurrection
Hijr‘Isma^il is a semicircular structure rising 1.30 metres above the ground, with a width of six cubits and a span (approximately 3 metres). Positioned north of the revered Ka^bah, one end of Hijr ‘Isma^il aligns with its northern corner, while the other aligns with the western corner. This site is also called Al-Hatim because it was broken and excluded from it.
Jun 19, 2020
Real love
"I am content with you just as you are", she responded
Sahl ibnu Sa^d as-Sa^idiyy narrated that: “A man approached the Prophet ﷺ and inquired, ‘O Messenger of Allah, direct me to a deed which, if I perform it, will endear me to Allah and endear me to the people.’ The Prophet ﷺ responded:
‘ازهَد فِي الدُّنيَا يُحِبَّكَ اللهُ، وَازهَد فِيمَا فِي أَيدِي النَّاسِ يُحِبَّكَ النَّاسُ’
"Forsake attachment to the world, and Allah will love you; forsake attachment to what others possess, and the people will love you.’"
Jun 19, 2020
prohibited acts
Undutifulness towards one's parents
^Uququ l-walidayn refers to any act that causes considerable harm or distress to one’s parents, or either of them, according to customary standards. Disobedience to one’s parents, or higher ancestors such as grandparents, is prohibited, even if someone of closer kinship remains alive.
Jun 19, 2020
Conditions for the prayer to be valid
The five prayers are among the best acts of worship that the Muslim performs. Performing them is the best deed after having the correct belief in God and His Messenger.
Jun 18, 2020
Ibnu Taymiyyah’s saying of the sitting of Allah
‘Ibnu Taymiyyah’s saying of Allah sitting is confirmed about him, although some of his followers negated this when they found it ugly. He mentioned this in his book “Minhaju s-Sunnati n-Nabawiyyah” by saying: The majority of ‘Ahlu s-Sunnah wa l-Jama^ah say that Allah, tabaraka wa ta^ala, [ Tabaraka wa ta^ala attributes the giving and perfection to Allah.] descends and al-^Arsh does not get void of Him. He claimed that this was reported about ‘Ishaq‘Ibnu Rahawayh, Hammad ‘Ibnu Zayd, Imam ‘Ahmad, and others. He is a fabricator and a great liar about that.
In his Tafsir named “An-nahr”, t…
Jun 18, 2020
The True Belief
The True Belief
What did the Prophet teach his companions before the famous rulings were revealed?