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Jun 20, 2020

Teach your brother!

Prayer, like other acts of worship, requires integrals and conditions to be valid. Among these integrals is sujud (prostration), which must be performed correctly for the prayer itself to be valid. For the prostration to be considered correct, it is necessary that the worshipper places their forehead, either entirely or partially, on the ground uncovered.

Jun 20, 2020


It is highly recommended to fast six days of the month of Shawwal, as this is a praiseworthy act that results in abundant reward. However, it is not required to fast for six days continuously without any interruption. One can fast according to convenience at any time during the month.

Jun 20, 2020

Read the Book

It is legally permissible, without objection, for one to recite the Qur’an from the Mushaf during prayer. Whether or not the individual has memorised it, such recitation does not invalidate the prayer. Indeed, if one has not committed Al-Fatihah to memory, they are required to read it from a Mushaf, a sheet of paper, or a similar source. Turning pages occasionally within the prayer does not compromise the validity of the prayer.

Jun 20, 2020

tanning process  

What is the ruling on benefiting from the hides of dead animals? Is it permissible to use animal hides in clothing manufacture, and is prayer valid while wearing them?

Jun 20, 2020

The Forty Nawawiyy Hadiths

Also from the route of ^Umar who said: While we were sitting one day with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ  a man appeared in our session with very white clothes and very black hair. He did not have any signs of travelling on him, and no one of us knew him.

Jun 20, 2020

The Forty Nawawiyy Hadiths

From the route of Abu ^Abdi r-Rahman bin ^Umar bin Al-Khattab may Allah accept both of their deeds, who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ  say: Islam is based on five matters: Testifying no one is God except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, performing the prayers, paying Zakat, offering Pilgrimage to the glorified house and fasting Ramadan. Narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim.

Jun 20, 2020

The Forty Nawawiyy Hadiths

 From the route of Abu ^Abdir-Rahman ^Abdi l-Lah bin Mas^ud, may Allah accept his deeds, who said: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ  told us and he is the Truthful One and the one to whom the truth is told: 'The appearance of the one of you would be completed in ones mother’s womb for forty days as a nutfah (joined fertilized sperm.) Then for a similar duration would be as an ^alaqah (bloody clot.)

Jun 20, 2020

The Forty Nawawiyy Hadiths

From the rout of Ummu l-Mu’minin Ummu ^Abdi l-Lah ^A‘ishah, may Allah accept her deeds, who said: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ  said: 'Whoever innovates in our Religion a matter that does not conform to it, then it is rejected.' 

Jun 20, 2020

idle talk

What is the ruling on speaking during the Friday sermon? And what is its impact on the validity or reward of the Friday prayer?