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Refutations Archive

Jun 8, 2020


In the book written by Imam at-Tahawiyyyy [‘Ahmad ‘Ibnu Salamah at-Tahawiyy is a great Imam of the Salaf (229 – 321 A.H.).] which he called: “Mentioning the belief of ‘Ahlu s-Sunnah wa l-Jama^ah, according to the madh-hab of the fuqaha’ (scholars) of Islam, ‘Abu Hanifah an-Nu^man ‘Ibnu Thabit al-Kufiyy , ‘Abu Yusuf Ya^qub‘Ibnu ‘Ibrahim al-‘Ansariyy, and ‘Ab u ^Abdi l-Lah Muhammad ‘Ibnu l-Hasan ash-Shaybaniyy ” his two companions and others, Imam at-Tahawiyy negated the hadd about Allah by saying what means: He (Allah) is majestically above (He does not have) the hudud (plural of hadd)…

May 28, 2020


Among the most famous issues that were confirmed about ‘Ibnu Taymiyyah by the reporting of the scholars contemporary to him and others who came after them, are his prohibiting the tawassul by the ‘ anbiya’ and salihun (righteous Muslims) after their death and in their absence while alive and tabarruk by them and their traces, and his prohibiting to visit the grave of the Prophet, ﷺ, for the purpose of tabarruk.

May 26, 2020

visiting graves

The Prophet ﷺ did not exclude any specific day for visiting graves. Lady ^A’ishah, may Allah accept her deeds, said that whenever it was her night, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ would go out towards the end of the night to visit Al-Baqi^ (cemetery).

May 24, 2020


During the time of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, when a man would say to his wife, 'You are divorced the battah', they intended by "battah" to emphasise a single divorce. It was regarded as one divorce unless the intention was to mean three. This practice continued during the time of ‘Abu Bakr and in the early caliphate of ^Umar. However, over time, the usage among the people evolved, and they began saying, 'You are divorced the battah', to signify three divorces.