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The Imam of the Two Sacred Places


"The garment of virtues was tailored for the stature of Abu l -Ma^aliyy"

 |  Shaykh Walid As-Samami^ah  |  Scholars

والصَّلَاةُ والسَّلاَمُ عَلَى سَيّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ أَشْرَفِ اْلمُرْسَلِيْنَ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ الطَّيّبِيْنَ الطَّاهِرِيْن

He was Imam ^Abdu l- Malik, son of ^Abdu l-Lah, son of Yucuf, son of Muhammad Al-Juwayniyy, An-Naysaburiyy, denoting his origins from Juwayn, his native village situated in the region of Naysabur. He received his education in the Shafi^iyy school of jurisprudence and adhered to the SunniAsh^ariyy creed. He earned the esteemed title "Imam of the Two Sacred Places," referring to the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. He was also known as ’Abu l- Ma^aliyy  and by his honorific title, Diya’u d-Din. He was a distinguished and eloquent scholar, an expert in the principles of faith, and an expert in authentication.

Imam Al-Juwayniyy was born on the 8th of Muharram in the year 419 AH. From a young age, his father took meticulous care of him, ensuring that, following the teachings of the Prophet ﷺ, his diet was free from any doubtful substances, so that he consumed only what was lawful.

Notable Events of His Life

Imam Al- Juwayniyy studied jurisprudence under his father's tutelage, who was profoundly impressed by his abilities and delighted by the signs of intelligence and promising indications of his future success. He diligently engaged with the various opinions of the Shafi^iyy school, its divergences, the principles of faith, and other related matters, to such an extent that his name became well-known, even during his childhood. This early fame did not lead him to arrogance or pride. On the contrary, he constantly remembered the grace of Allah and attributed all his accomplishments to divine providence.

He embarked on a path of research, reflection, and authentication until he became well-versed in the methods of reasoning employed by his predecessors. Persevering in the fulfilment of his religious duties, he became the most learned scholar of his time in the science of argumentation, the principles of belief, and the law.

And when he reached approximately twenty years of age, he was already, despite his young age, an Imam and expert in authentication. It was then that he inherited the teaching chair from his recently deceased father. He then developed the habit, after each of his lessons, of going to the Al-Bayhaqiyy school until he ultimately acquired the science of the principles of belief under the tutelage of his mentor, ‘Abu l-Qacim al-‘Iskaf  al-‘Isfarayiniyy. He demonstrated such diligence in his studies that ^Abdu l-Ghafir Al- Fariciyy said of him, "He devoted his days and nights to learning."

He then departed for the region of Hijaz, where he met the greatest scholars, benefiting from them as they did from him to the extent that his name became renowned across the lands. He remained for four consecutive years between Mecca and Medina, during which time he taught, issued fatwas, and compiled the teachings of the Shafi^iyy scholars. For this reason, he was given the title "Imam of the Two Holy Cities." After the enthronement of Sultan AlbArslan, he returned to Nishapur, where he was assigned to teaching positions at the An-Nidhamiyyah school for nearly thirty years. He passed away in Al-Mahfah, a village near Nishapur, on the 25th of Rabi^u l-‘akhir in the year 478 AH and was buried in Nishapur.

His Teachers and Notable Students

Imam Al- Juwayniyy studied Hadith in his youth under his father, ‘Abu Hassan Muhammad  son of ‘Ahmad Al -Muzakkiyy, Abu Sa^i^Abdu-r-Rahman son of Hamdan  An- Nadrawiyy, ‘Abu Sa^id ^Abdu r- Rahman son of Al-Hasan son of ^Aliyyak, ^Abdu r- Rahman Muhammad son of ^Abdu l ^Aziz An- Niliyy, Mansur son of Damis, among others.

Among those who narrated Hadith from him were Zahir Ash-Shahamiyy, Abu ^Abdi l-Lah Al -Furawiyy [of whom scholars said, " Al -Furawiyy is worth a thousand narrators"], ‘Isma^il son of ‘Abu Salih the muezzin, and others.

Scholars' Opinions of Him

Shaykh ‘Abu ‘Ishaq Ash- Shiraziyy said of him, "Benefit from this Imam, for he is the adornment of this place!" He also once told him, "You, who are beneficial to the people of the East and the West, your knowledge has benefited the first among us and will benefit the last among us!" ^Abdu l-Ghafir Al-Fariciyy said of him, "The Imam of the Two Holy Cities, the pride of Islam, the Imam of Imams without exception, the scholar of religious law, the unanimously acknowledged Imam from East to West!" The Hafidh ‘Abu Muhammad Al-Jurjaniyy said, "He was the Imam of his time, unique and singular. His capacity for memorisation, demeanour, and eloquence were such that he had few equals." Shaykh ‘Abu ^Uthman ‘Isma^il Ibnu ^Abdi r-Rahman As-Sabuniyy said, "May Allah keep adversity away from this Imam; he is today the joy of the Muslims."

It was reported from the writings of Ibn salah that upon seeing the Imam of the Two Holy Cities, someone composed the following verse:

No one have ever seen my eyes,
Beneath the expanse of the skies,
Like ^Abdu l- Malik the rational Imam,
The Imam of the Two Haram!

And ‘Abu Sa^id As-Sabriyy remarked, "He is the Imam of Khorasan and Iraq by his merit and excellence in various branches of knowledge." The Jurist, Imam Ghanim Al- Musiliyy, versified, and said of the Imam of the Two Holy Mosques to all who would listen:

Leave the garment of virtues, indeed it is
tailored for the stature of Abu l -Ma^aliyy .


His Works

         Al- Juwayniyy, may Allah have mercy on him, held learning and teaching in high regard. He meticulously documented his knowledge, ensuring its preservation on paper, thereby bestowing upon the Muslim community the benefit of his writings, including:

  • "Al- ‘Irshadu fi l- kalam" ,
  • "Al- Irshadu fi l- ‘Usul",
  • "Al- ‘Asalibu fi l -khilafiyyat" (within which he addressed the variances between the Hanafi and Shafi^iyy schools of thought.)
  • "Al- Burhanu fi’ Usuli l-Fiqh",
  • "Al- Bulghah",
  • "At-Tuhfatu fiUsuli l- Fiqh",
  • " At- Talkhisu, Tafsiru Imami l-Haramayn" (a book on exegesis)
  • "At- Taqrib fi l -furu^ " (a summary of " At- Taqlib " by Shaykh Qasim Ibnu Muhammad Ibni l- Qafal Ash -Shashi Ash- shafi^iyy,
  • " Ar -Risalatu n- Nidhamiyyatu fi l- kalam",
  • " Ash- Shamilu fi ‘Usuli d -Din".
  • "Shifa’u l-ghalib fi bayani ma waqa^a fi t- Tawrati wa l- ‘Injili mina t-Tabdil".
  • "Ghiyathu l-‘Umami fi t-tiyathi dh-dhulam ",
  • " Al- ^Aqidatu n-Nidhamiyyah",
  • "Al- kafiyah bi l- Jadal",
  • "Lubabu l-Fiqh",
  • "Luma^u-l- adillah» (a comprehensive summary in several chapters pertaining to the tenets of belief of ‘Ahlu s-Sunnah), 
  • "Fi qawa^idi ^aqa’idi ‘Ahli s-Sunnah ",
  • "Madariku l-^uqul ",
  • "Mughithu l-khalq fi khtiyari l-‘ahaqq" (written to assert the superiority of the Shafi^iyy school over the other schools)
  • "Nihayatu l -matlab fi dirayati lmadhhab ",
  • "Al- Waraqatu fi l ‘usul "

His Passing

 He passed away at the age of 59, shortly after recovering from jaundice, which he had contracted a few days earlier. Upon his recovery, he had returned to his teaching assemblies, much to the delight of both the notables and the populace, who had expressed their joy at seeing him regain his health and resume his activities.

But shortly thereafter, he fell ill again, and the inevitable decree of Allah overtook him; it was then that he passed away. Fever had gripped him for several days, yet he exhibited exemplary patience—like the true believers who are content with what Allah tabaraka wa ta^ala, blessed and exalted, has destined for them—and endured the trial that Allah had set upon him. Allah, ^azza wa jall, said:

 ﴿وبشر الصابرين الذين إذا أصابتهم مصيبة قالوا إنالله و إنا إليه راجعون

سورة البقرة(155-156)

"Give glad tidings to those who are patient, those who, when afflicted with a calamity, say: 'Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to His judgment we will return."

 He was then taken to Bashtanqan for its mild climate, even though he carried within him the signs of an imminent death. He passed away after the ^Isha prayer on the night of Wednesday, the 25th of Rabi^u l- ‘akhir in the year 478 AH, and was buried in Nishapur.

 And among the verses recited on the occasion of his funeral were:

"To the highest ranks, the hearts of the world aspire,
Yet the days of humanity resemble the nights' dire.
Can the virtuous’ branch one more its fruit display,
Now that Imam ’Abu l- Ma^aliyy has passed away?"