The spearhead of the Sunnah
What Abu Bakr Al-Baqillaniyy hid far surpassed what he publicly let appear!

والصَّلَاةُ والسَّلاَمُ عَلَى سَيّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ أَشْرَفِ اْلمُرْسَلِيْنَ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ الطَّيّبِيْنَ الطَّاهِرِيْن
The esteemed jurist Abu Bakr Muhammad ibnu t-Tayyib Ibnu Muhammad Ibnu Ja^far Ibnu l-Qasim al-Baqillaniyy was born in the year 338 of the Hegira, as noted by the author of the directory "Mu^jamu l-mu’allifin". Hailing originally from Al-Basrahh, he later migrated to Baghdad, where he made his residence.
There, he pursued studies in Hadith under notable scholars such as Abu Bakr ibnu Malik al-Qati^iyy, and Abu Muhammad Ibnu Masiyy, and Ahmad al-Husayn Ibnu ^Aliyy an-Naysaburiyy. Additionally, he delved into the science of rational argumentation under the tutelage of Abu ^Abdi l-Lah Muhammad Ibnu Ahmad Ibnu Mujahid At-Ta’iyy, a companion of Al-Ash^ariyy. Noteworthy among the scholars who benefitted from al- Baqillaniyy 's teachings are Abu Dharr Al-Harawiyy, Abu ^Imran Al-Fassiyy and the esteemed Judge Abu Muhammad Ibnu Nasr.
His praiseworthy characteristics
It has been reported that Abu Dharr Al-Harawiyy was once questioned about whom he learned the School of Imam Malik and the thought of Al-Ash^ariyy from, despite originally hailing from the city of Herat [in Afghanistan]. He replied, "I was on my way to Baghdad, walking with Ad-Daraqutniyy, when we encountered Abu Bakr Ibnu t-Tayyib [Al-Baqillaniyy]. Ad-Daraqutniyy greeted him with kisses on the face and eyes and stayed in his company. Upon their parting, I inquired from Ad-Daraqutniyy about the man. He responded, 'He is the Imam of the Muslims, the defender of religion, Judge Abu Bakr. From that moment, I began to associate with him and adhered to his School."
As for his insight and breadth of knowledge, the author of "Wafayatu l-a^yan " reports that Judge Abu Bakr engaged in a debate with Abu Sa^id Al-Haruniyy. Abu Bakr embarked on a lengthy monologue, overflowing with a plethora of words and phrases. After delivering his speech, he turned to the audience and declared, ‘I pledge before you - and you may bear witness against me - to exempt him from responding if he can merely repeat what I have said.’ Al-Haruniyy responded, ‘And I pledge before you - and you can testify against me - to adopt his stance if he proves capable of precisely reproducing everything he said earlier.’
Ibnu ^Asakir Ad-Dimashqiyy, in "Tabyinu Kadhibi l-muftari" also attested to the breadth of his knowledge: ‘Abu l-Faraj said: “I heard Abu Bakr Al-Khawarizmiyy say: "All the authors of Baghdad refer in their works to the books of their peers except the Judge Abu Bakr; his chest contains not only his own knowledge but also the knowledge of others."’ Additionally, Adh-Dhahabiyy, in "As-Siyyar," states about him: ‘I heard ^Aliyy Ibnu Muhammad Al-Harbiyy say: the entirety of what Abu Bakr Ibnu Al-Baqillaniyy mentions in his works, regarding the disagreements of opinions among people, was written from memory. No other author could compile these dissensions without having first consulted what the heretics had committed to paper.’
Among the passages chronicled by Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadiyy in " Tarikhu Baghdad" is the account ascribed to Abu Bakr Al-Baqillaniyy: ‘Following the al-^Isha’ prayer and the completion of his customary wird, he would diligently take up the inkwell each night, filling thirty-five pages with the knowledge he had committed to memory. After the Fajr prayer, he would review the preceding day's work with a companion, instructing him to recite it and, if needed, dictate any additional insights.’
Historians and scholars’ commendations about him
Ibnu ^Asakir Ad-Dimashqiyy, who lauded him in " Tabyinu l-kadhibi l-muftari" provided an intricate portrayal of his virtues: ‘Regarding the science of rational argumentation, he attained the pinnacle of mastery and comprehension. His eloquence surpassed all, his explanations were the most lucid, and his expressions the most articulate […] In written correspondence, Shaykh Abu l-Qasim Ibnu Nasr relayed to me, that he heard Judge Abu l-Ma^ali Ibnu ^abdi l-Malik recount: ‘"The Shaykh, Abu Hatim Mahmud Ibnu l-Husayn Al-Qazwiniyy, stated that what Imam Abu Bakr al-‘ash^ariyy, may Allah accept his deeds, kept hidden regarding his piety, devotion, asceticism, and his memorised knowledge, far surpassed what he publicly let appear.’
In this book, Hafidh Ibnu ^Asakir shares the statement of Shaykh Abu l-Hasan At-Tamimiyy Al-Hanbaliyy concerning Abu Bakr Al-Baqillaniyy: "Attach yourself to this man, for the Sunnah cannot do without him."
Adh-Dhahabiyy, among other things, stated in " Siyaru ‘a^lami n-nubala’": ‘He is the Imam, the very learned, one of the specialists in rational argumentation, the spearhead of the experts in foundational principles, the judge Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibnu t-Tayyib Ibnu Muhammad Ibnu Ja^far Ibnu l-Qasim, the Basran by origin, the Baghdadi by adoption, Ibnu l-Baqillaniyy, the author of many works, the epitome of intelligence and discernment.’ He also mentioned, ‘Judge ^Iyad in " Tabaqatu l-Malikiyyah " said: He is the one nicknamed “the sharp tongue of the Sunnah” and “the spokesman of the Community,” the one who used to speak by masterfully combining the terminology of the scholars of Hadith with the eloquent style of Abu l-Hasan; he was a leading authority among the Malikis of his time.’
Among these remarkable accounts, there is what Ibnu ^Asakir quoted in "Tabyinu kadhib l-muftari " and Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadiyy in "Tarikhu Baghdad " among many others: Imam Al-Baqillaniyy was sent by the king ^Adudu d-Dawlah to the Byzantine emperor [Basil II]. Upon arriving in Constantinople, the Emperor was apprised of Imam Al-Baqillaniyy 's esteemed status and profound knowledge. The emperor, aware that Muslims do not bow to any being, concocted a plan to coerce Imam Al-Baqillaniyy into bowing, mimicking the customary reverence shown by his subjects who would kiss the ground before him. To achieve this, he instructed for the throne to be positioned in front of a small doorway, ensuring that anyone entering would have to bow, thereby compelling Imam Al-Baqillaniyy to comply with this act. Once the throne had been positioned accordingly, the emperor ordered for Al-Baqillaniyy to be admitted through that specific door. As the judge approached the entrance, he discerned the situation and comprehended the stratagem at play. He turned his back, bowed his head, and walked backwards through the doorway, maintaining his back turned to the emperor until he reached him. Upon reaching the emperor, he raised his head, stood upright, and turned to face the king directly. In this moment, the King was astonished by Imam Al-Baqillaniyy 's ingenuity and gained a newfound respect for him.
His works
He prolifically authored numerous works spanning various fields of knowledge, notably refutations against sects such as the Jahmiyyah, the Khawarij, the Karramiyyah, and others who deviated from orthodox beliefs. Among his notable works are: " Kayfiyyatu listish-hadi fi r-raddi ^ala ‘ahli l-jahdi wa l-^inad " (The Methodology of Refuting the People of Heresy and Obstinacy), " Al-‘Usulu l-kabir fi l-fiqh" (The Major Foundations of Jurisprudence), " Manaqibu l-’a’immah" (The Virtues of the Imams), " Al-milalu wa n-nihal " (Religions and Sects), " Hidayatu l-mustarshidin" (Guidance for the Seekers of Knowledge), " Naqdu n-naqd " (Critique of Criticism), " Al-farqu bayna mu^jizati n-nabiyyina wa karamati s-salihin" (The Difference between the Miracles of Prophets and the Miracles of the Righteous), " Al-intisar" (The Defense), "At-taqribu wa l-’irshad " (Facilitation and Guidance), " Daqa’iqu l-kalam" (The Subtleties of Theology), "Al-kasb" (Earning), " At-tabsirah" (Insight), " Tamhidu d-dala’il wa talkhisu l-’awa’il" (Introduction to the Proofs and Refinement of the Arguments), "’I^jazu l-Qur’an" (The Inimitability of the Qur'an), " Al-’insafu fi ma yajibu ^tiqaduhu wa la yajuzu l-jahlu bihi " (The Justice Concerning What Must Be Believed In and Ignorance of It is Not Permissible), not to mention numerous other invaluable works.
His belief
As an ash^arite theologian, may Allah have mercy on him, Abu Bakr Al-Baqillaniyy advocated for the belief in Allah's exemption from location and delimitation, i.e., from being confined to a body and from being analogised to created beings. Evidence of this can be found in his book " Al-‘Insaf " under the section titled: “Concerning the exemption of the Creator from all that implies a defect, He whose attributes are perfect.” He expressed: ‘It is imperative to understand that the Lord, exalted be He, is exempt from being circumscribed by directions or being characterised by the attributes of created beings. He is exempt, exalted be He, from being confined by directions or being characterised by the attributes of created beings. Nor is He characterised by change, movement, standing up, or sitting down, as indicated by His saying, ‘ليس كمثله شيء’ (Suratu sh-Shura, ‘ayah no. 11) which means, 'There is nothing like Him'. Concerning al-istiwa’, we assert that His al-istiwa’ bears no resemblance to the al-istiwa’ of creatures. Moreover, we do not pretend that the Throne serves as a place of settlement or confinement for Him. Allah, exalted be He, exists from all eternity without being confined to a place, and no place exists from all eternity. Furthermore, He did not undergo any change after creating place."
Among his assertions regarding Allah's exemption from possessing organs, Abu Bakr Al-Baqillaniyy stated: ‘And let it be known that Allah, exalted be He, hears all that can be heard and sees all that can be seen [...] and that without organs or senses. Allah is therefore organless and needs no tool.’ [From " Al-’Insaf ", page 37]
In his book "Tamhidu l-‘awa’il ", the Judge, may Allah have mercy on him, asserts: ‘If someone asks, “Where is He?”, he is reminded that “where” pertains to location, yet Allah is not subject to location, and directions do not encompass Him.’
He further stated in " Al-’Insaf ": “Ja^far Ibnu Muhammad As-Sadiq, ^alayhi s-salam, said: 'Whoever claims that Allah, exalted be He, is in something or from something or on something, he will have attributed to God an associate. For if He were on something, He would be borne, and if He were in something, He would be limited, and if He were from something, He would have come into existence (i.e., created). Allah is exempt from all these.’”
His death
The author of " Al-Wafayat " records: ‘The aforementioned Judge Abu Bakr passed away late on a Saturday. He was burried in Baghdad on Sunday, seven nights before the end of the month of Dhu l-Qa^dah in the year 403 of the Hijra, may Allah have mercy on him. His son Al-Hasan led the funeral prayer and interred him in his residence in the Darbu l-majus district. Subsequently, he was reinterred in the Babu harb cemetery. A poet of his era mourned his passing in verse:
Look at the mountain men are escorting,
And observe the grave, with pride asserting.
See Islam's sword in its scabbard, concealed,
Behold the pearl of Islam, in its shell revealed.
Ibnu ^Asakir recounted: "He was moved and interred at Babu harb, adjacent to the tomb of Imam Abu ^Abdi l-Lah Ahmad Ibnu Muhammad Ibnu Hanbal. I have transcribed the inscription on the headstone: ‘This is the resting place of the Judge, the esteemed Imam who now fears naught, the pride of the Community, the voice of the nation, the eloquent advocate of the Sunnah, a steadfast pillar of Religion, defender of Islam, Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibnu t-Tayyib Al-Basriyy. May Allah honour his soul and reunite him with His Prophet Muhammad. His grave is a place of visitation, he is sought for rain and blessings.’"
In the same book, Ibnu ^Asakir reports that Shaykh Abu l-Fadl At-Tamimiyy attended the condolence ceremony with the brothers and companions of Judge Al-Baqillaniyy on the day of his passing. During the funeral prayer, he ordered: ‘Here lies the one who secured triumph for the Sunnah and Religion, the Imam of the Muslims, the defender of the Shari^ah against its adversaries, the author of 70,000 pages refuting the atheists.’ He remained to receive condolences with his companions for three days without leaving. Every Friday, he visited the grave at the house [where Al-Baqillaniyy was buried].
We beseech Allah, exalted be He, to grant to the Muslims men as exceptional as Judge Al-Baqillaniyy, may Allah have mercy upon him.