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Jun 15, 2020

The Imam of the Two Sacred Places

He was Imam ^Abdu l- Malik, son of ^Abdu l-Lah, son of Yucuf, son of Muhammad Al-Juwayniyy, An-Naysaburiyy, denoting his origins from Juwayn, his native village situated in the region of Naysabur. He received his education in the Shafi^iyy school of jurisprudence and adhered to the Sunni ‘Ash^ariyy creed. He earned the esteemed title "Imam of the Two Sacred Places," referring to the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. He was also known as ’Abu l- Ma^aliyy  and by his honorific title, Diya’u d-Din. He was a distinguished and eloquent scholar, an expert in the principles of faith, and an expe…

Jun 14, 2020

The eminent jurist

He is the distinguished Imam, the jurist, the specialist in Prophetic Tradition, the expert in the foundations of faith, the learned scholar, the ascetic, the pious, Shaykh 'Abu Bakr 'Ahmad Ibnu l-Husayn Ibni ^Aliyy Ibni ^Abdi l-Lah Ibni Musa Al-Bayhaqiyy Al-Khusrawjirdiyy.

Jun 12, 2020

Imam Malik

Imam Malik is a renowned scholar and the founder of one of the four major schools of jurisprudence, which is esteemed and widely disseminated throughout Muslim countries. He authored the first compilation of Hadiths, meticulously organised into chapters and integrated with jurisprudential laws.

Jun 12, 2020

Qadi ^Iyad's creed

Qadi ^Iyad was of the ‘Ash^ariyy creed; his books are filled with expressions of transcendence and the negation of any resemblance between Allah, the Exalted and His creation. He affirmed for Allah the attributes of perfection and magnified Him with expressions of reverence.

Jun 11, 2020

Malik's madh-hab

Malikite scholars have consistently adhered to the belief of tanzih, meaning Allah's exemption from any attribute of creatures, such as place, direction, or 'how'. Al-Baqillaniyy Qadi Abu Bakr Muhammad Al-Baqil-laniyy Al-Malikiyy Al-‘Ash^ariyy  (d. 403 AH) stated in "Al-‘Insaf fima yajibu-^tiqaduhu wa la yajuzu l-jahlu bih" (p. 65): "The Throne is not a locus of establishment or a site for Allah, because Allah ta^ala eternally exists, and no place exists eternally. After creating places, He did not deviate from what He is from eternity." Al-Baqillaniyy also stated in "A…

Jun 11, 2020

Imam Malik

It has been recounted that Imam Malik was once presented with forty-eight questions. While he answered only six of them, he replied to the remaining inquiries, "I do not know." This deliberate answer aimed to instil in people the importance of seeking Allah's approval in both teaching and learning religious science. Furthermore, it served as a clear lesson in humility, imparting the importance of acknowledging one's limitations and gracefully admitting when one does not possess the answer, particularly if lacking a valid transmission.

Jun 11, 2020

Imam Malik

Imam Malik steadfastly adhered to the Sunnah, the pristine path of the Prophet Muhammad. His creed mirrored that of the esteemed companions and the noble family of the Prophet. Imam Malik was the one who articulated the profound principle: "One does not inquire about the 'how' regarding the Creator. Asking 'how' about Allah is inconceivable. Hence, Allah transcends such inquiries."

Jun 11, 2020

Imam Malik

Imam Malik was a distinguished saint of Islam, recognised for his unwavering commitment to religion and remarkable asceticism. His heart remained detached from worldly concerns, and he was remarkably generous.

Jun 9, 2020

Virtue and Devotion

Mary, the mother of Jesus (Maryam), was raised by Prophet Zechariah (Zakariyya) عَلَيْهِ السَّلاَم. He provided her with religious education. Maryam was a pious woman who did not commit sins and devoted herself to worship day and night. Due to her devotion, she attained a high degree of sanctity and was regarded as the best woman of mankind.