Jun 1, 2020
spiritual path
Ahmad Ar-Rifa^iyy demonstrated exemplary diligence in learning and acquiring Islamic sciences
He is the noble descendant of the Prophet and a guide of Islam, who had the extraordinary honour of kissing the hand of the Truthful Messenger, our master 'Abu l-^Abbas, Shaykh 'Ahmad Ar-Rifa^iyyi l-Kabir, son of Sultan ^Aliyy Abu l-Hasan, the illustrious deceased of Baghdad, son of Yahya l-Maghribiyy, son of Ath-Thabit, son of Al-Hazim, son of 'Ahmad, son of ^Aliyy, son of 'Abu l-Makarim Rifa^ah Al-Hasan Al-Makkiyy, son of Al-Mahdiyy, son of Muhammad 'Abu l-Qasim, son of Al-Hasan, son of Al-Husayn 'Ahmad, son of Musa Ah-Thaniyy, son of Imam 'Ibrahim Al-Murtada, son of Imam Musa l-Kadhim, son…
Jun 1, 2020
Compassionate Heart
'Ummu ^Abdi l-Lah: the exemplary life of Lady ^A'ishah
Our Lady ^A'ishah was a woman companion of great merit. She was the daughter of the companion Abu Bakr and the wife of the Prophet ﷺ. She was admired for her extensive knowledge and was considered one of the greatest saints. Allah honoured her with the vision of the angel Jibril.
Jun 1, 2020
faith and sacrifice
Pharaoh's daughter and the steadfast hairdresser
The hairdresser of Pharaoh's daughter chose Islam as her religion, which she knew to be the true religion. As a result, she faced severe tests and suffered from Pharaoh's injustice. Despite the threats, this woman remained steadfast in her faith and did not abandon her religion. She is an inspiration to all of us.
Jun 1, 2020
Follow His Tariqah
Imam Ar-Rifa^iyy combats the assimilation of Allah with His creatures
It is well known that the disciples of Shaykh Ahmad Ar-Rifa^iyy, may Allah accept his deeds, possessed remarkable abilities. They were capable of entering blazing furnaces and lying down side by side while the baker continued to bake his bread at the other end.
Jun 1, 2020
Unforgettable Karamah
Ahmad Al-Kabir to kiss the honoured hand of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
In his book " Sawadu l-^Anayni fi manaqibi l-Ghawthi 'Abi l-^Alamayn" which extols the virtues of Imam Ar-Rifa^iyy, Ar-Rifa^iyy recounted: "Our esteemed shaykh, the imam, the authority, the exemplar 'Abu l-Faraj ^Umar Al-Faruthiyy Al-Wasitiyy, relayed to me that 'Our master and shaykh 'Ahmad Ar-Rifa^iyy performed the pilgrimage in the year five hundred and fifty-five of the Hijra.
May 29, 2020
the shaykh of the Mujahidin
"They are like lions in their fortresses, eagles on their horses, and women on their ships" Musa ibnu Nusayr said
After the passing of the Prophet ﷺ, the companions were deeply grieved by his loss, to the point that one stated: "When the Messenger of Allah ﷺ died, everything in Medina that his presence had illuminated darkened," and another said: "When we buried the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, our hearts felt estranged."
May 29, 2020
Ramadan 2025's speech by Shaykh Husam Qaraqirah
Ramadan 2025's speech by Shaykh Husam Qaraqirah
Shaykh Samir al-Qadi conveys narrations of the noble Birth
May 29, 2020
Zayd ibnu l-Khattab
If my brother had been killed at Al-Yamamah as your brother was, I would never have wept for him!
The annals of Islamic history and the illustrious pages of Muhammadan glory are replete with the names of heroes who inscribed the most magnificent acts of heroism and the noblest of Muhammadan demeanours on these pages. Each of them, whilst deeply devoted to his faith and showing mercy towards his brethren, was equally relentless against the enemies of the religion.
May 29, 2020
On the 12th of Rabi^u l-‘Awwal
A Snapshot From Birth to Death – Prophet Muhammad
On the 12th of Rabi^u l-‘Awwal of every year, an honoured and glorified memory shines over the whole world and is commemorated by the entire Muslim world. Every honest Muslim participates in celebrating such an honourable memory to praise Allah for the blessing and endowment of Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him.