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faith and sacrifice


Pharaoh's daughter and the steadfast hairdresser

 |  Shaykh Walid As-Samami^ah  |  Pious Women

والصَّلَاةُ والسَّلاَمُ عَلَى سَيّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ أَشْرَفِ اْلمُرْسَلِيْنَ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ الطَّيّبِيْنَ الطَّاهِرِيْن

The hairdresser of Pharaoh's daughter chose Islam as her religion, which she knew to be the true religion. As a result, she faced severe tests and suffered from Pharaoh's injustice. Despite the threats, this woman remained steadfast in her faith and did not abandon her religion. She is an inspiration to all of us.

A virtuous Muslim woman

During the Night Journey, the Messenger of Allah sensed a pleasant fragrance emanating from a grave on his path. He inquired of Jibril about this grave, and Jibril informed him about a woman who was brushing the hair of Pharaoh's daughter. When the comb slipped from her hand, she picked it up and said, "Bismi l-Lah" invoking the name of Allah and seeking His help and blessings. Pharaoh's daughter asked her: "Do you have a Lord, a god other than my father? The hairdresser replied: "My Lord and your father's Lord is Allah.

Her courageous stand

Pharaoh's daughter reported the woman to her father. Pharaoh, in turn, asked the hairdresser to abandon her religion and threatened to kill her and her children, but the woman stood her ground and refused to give up the truth. With firm faith, great certainty, and an unwavering heart, she bravely faced Pharaoh's threats and unjust tyranny.

What a heroic position she held! What commitment to truth! What strength to do good and what preservation from God!

Her great patience in the face of trials and injustice

Pharaoh's rage knew no bounds. He ordered water and oil to be brought to a boil and one by one, he cast the children of the hairdresser into the seething cauldron before her very eyes. Cradled in her arms was an infant, still in the tender grip of infancy. In an extraordinary instant, bestowed by Allah, the child spoke: "O mother, hold fast. The torments of the Hereafter far surpass the trials of this world. Do not waver, for you stand upon truth." This event bolstered the mother's resolve. She, in turn, addressed Pharaoh: "I have but one plea: gather their remains and lay them to rest together." Pharaoh relented: "Your wish is granted." And with that, he callously consigned both mother and child to the boiling cauldron of water and oil.

God rewarded her

This courageous Muslim woman remained steadfast in her faith and did not succumb to threats or betray her religion. She and her children died as martyrs, and from her grave emanated the beautiful fragrance that the Prophet had smelled during his miraculous night journey.

After hundreds of years and hundreds more,

The faithful prophet journeyed at night,

When a fragrance wafted from her resting shrine,

He is like the navigator's torch that lights up the shore

He is the best of the Messengers, a radiant light

That dispels darkness like the full moon's shine