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A thousand thousand salah

"Whoever rejoices in us, we rejoice in him", he responded

 |  Shaykh Walid As-Samami^ah  |  Al-Mawlidu n-Nabawiyy

والصَّلَاةُ والسَّلاَمُ عَلَى سَيّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ أَشْرَفِ اْلمُرْسَلِيْنَ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ الطَّيّبِيْنَ الطَّاهِرِيْن

Ad-Dimyatiyy reported that the Sultan of the knowledgeable, the Egyptian Imam Jalalu l-Din As-Suyutiyy, may Allah have mercy on him, said: 'Indeed, the house, habitat, and mosque where the birth of Muhammad ﷺ is celebrated are surrounded by angels.

Divine mercy envelops this place, and Jibril and Israfil, peace be upon them, come to supplicate for those who sit to commemorate the birth of Muhammad ﷺ. The house, habitat, and mosque celebrating the Prophet ﷺ’s birth will not suffer calamities in that year. Allah will avert misfortunes and difficulties, protecting them from thieves, evil eyes, and envy. Through the blessing of commemorating the birth of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, Allah will grant safety and protection to its inhabitants throughout that year."

 Do not hearts quiver with joy when celebrating his birth ?

It is also narrated from one of the distinguished Imams of Islam, the scholar and exegete Fakhru d-Din ar-Raziyy, may Allah have mercy upon him, regarding the blessings of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ that he stated: “When the account of the birth of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ is recited over food, Allah endows that food with blessings. Likewise, when this account is recited over water and then consumed, a thousand mercies shall descend upon you, and a thousand afflictions shall be lifted from you. Such are the blessings bestowed through the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. »

It is also narrated by the Sheikh of the Reciters, Imam Ibnu l-Jazariyy, may Allah have mercy on him: "Those who celebrate the birth of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ shall find safety in that year and receive swift glad tidings of achieving their goals." O Allah, grant us our aspirations through the honour of Islam, through the dignity of the Muslims, by alleviating the hardships faced by the Muslims in Gaza and Palestine, through the blessings of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, and through the blessings of the birth of the Chosen One ﷺ.

The Imam of the Followers, Al-Hasan al-Basriyy, may Allah have mercy on him, used to say: “I wish I possessed Mount Uhud in gold so that I could spend it on the reciting the account of the birth of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.” And Imam al-Junaid al-Baghdadi, may Allah have mercy on him, used to say: “Whoever goes to the place where the birth of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ is celebrated has truly succeeded in faith.”

Imam Ma^ruf al-Karkhiyy, the Imam knowledgeable about Allah, may Allah accept his deeds, remarked on those who celebrate the birth of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, saying: "Indeed, whoever prepares food in joy for the Prophet ﷺ, lights a lamp, wears new clothes, perfumes themselves, and adorns themselves in reverence for the Messenger of Allah ﷺ will be resurrected with the Prophets, the truthful, the martyrs, and the righteous, and shall be inscribed in the highest ranks." Such is the blessing derived from commemorating the birth of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, O beloved of the Messenger of Allah.

It is narrated from ‘Abu Musa, may Allah have mercy on him, that there were inquiries regarding the feasts and food served during the celebration of the birth of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. He recounted, “I fell asleep and saw the Messenger of Allah ﷺ in a dream. I asked him, ‘O Messenger of Allah, what is your view on the feasts that are presented in celebration of your birth?’ The Prophet ﷺ responded, ‘Whoever rejoices in us, we rejoice in him,’ indicating that those who take joy in Muhammad ﷺ will receive joy from Muhammad ﷺ in return.”

What is all this that we offer compared to what Muhammad ﷺ has bestowed upon us? What true value does it hold? Is he not the one through whom Allah's mercy has flowed to us? Is he not the one who saved people from disbelief and misguidance? Is he not the one who delivered souls from the fire? So, what do our offerings to the chosen Prophet ﷺ truly signify?

Let the celebration of his birth ﷺ serve as our shield against earthquakes, calamities, and misfortunes. May Allah inundate us with blessings, goodness, and grace—specifically through the blessings, support, and secrets of Muhammad, within every home that cherishes him ﷺ.

May our household partake in the joy of the birth of Muhammad ﷺ and engage in the recitation of the account of his birth. Among our regular devotions should be the supplication frequently recited for the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, as recommended by the Sun of the Levant, the Muhaddith of the Syrian lands, our righteous and knowledgeable master, Shaykh Badru d-Din al-Hasaniyy, may Allah accept his deeds. This distinguished figure was renowned for his extraordinary commitment, sending blessings upon the Prophet ﷺ more than eighty thousand times each day. He used to teach and recommend a specific formula for sending blessings upon the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, which is to be recited seven times daily and ten times on Fridays:

اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد صلاة تحسن بها الأخلاق، وتيسر بها الأرزاق، وتدفع بها المشاق، وتمنع بها الآفات، وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم، من يوم خلقت الدنيا إلى يوم التلاق، واسترنا بين يديك يا عزيز يا غفار.

“O Allah, exalt the rank of our Master Muhammad, so that through the blessings inherent in this supplication, You may refine our conduct, facilitate our sustenance, alleviate our hardships, and shield us from calamities. May Your mercy be upon him, his family, and his companions from the day You created the world until the Day of Gathering. Conceal our shortcomings, O ^Aziz, O Ghaffar[1].”

Someone witnessed in a dream that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ instructed certain individuals who had sought guidance on a specific method of invoking blessings upon him. He stated, "Proceed to Sheikh Badr al-Din al-Husni; he possesses a formulation that I hold in high esteem for invoking blessings upon me." That is the very formulation he referred to.

There was a humble woman who would frequently recite: "A thousand thousand salah and a thousand thousand salam upon you, O my master, O Messenger of Allah! A thousand thousand salah and a thousand thousand salam upon you, O beloved of Allah!" She often repeated this phrase, and as her final moments approached, she raised her hands and continued to say: "A thousand thousand salah and a thousand thousand salam upon you, O my master, O Messenger of Allah! A thousand thousand salah and a thousand thousand salam upon you, O beloved of Allah!" She repeated this invocation until her soul departed.

O Allah, grant those who have gathered to commemorate the birth of Your noble Prophet ﷺ acceptance and honour. From this blessed occasion, bestow upon them a share of the blessings of the gardens of Paradise.

O Lord, let none among them be deprived of the blessings of this commemoration, nor the blessings of love for Muhammad, nor the blessings of Muhammad himself.

Grant, O Allah, that we, our families, our homes, our lands, and all the lands of the Muslims partake in the blessings of Muhammad ﷺ and the blessings of his birth.



[1] Al- Ghaffar: The One who repeatedly extends His pardon.