The second migration (part two)
‘Abu Jahl proposed to strike simultaneously with a single blow

والصَّلَاةُ والسَّلاَمُ عَلَى سَيّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ أَشْرَفِ اْلمُرْسَلِيْنَ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ الطَّيّبِيْنَ الطَّاهِرِيْن
The reason for his migration ﷺ was rooted in the growing concern of the Quraysh as they witnessed Muslims departing for Medina with their children and families. They feared that the Prophet, too, might migrate from Mecca to Medina, thus consolidating the Muslims into a formidable force.
In response, the leaders of Quraysh convened in Daru n-Nadwah to deliberate on the matter of the Prophet. During this clandestine gathering, Satan, in the guise of an elderly man from Najd, infiltrated their consultation. Each leader proffered a different course of action against Muhammad, but Satan systematically dismissed their suggestions, declaring, "This is not the right plan."
At last, ‘Abu Jahl proposed: "We should select a young man from each tribe of Quraysh, arm them with swords, and have them strike Muhammad simultaneously with a single blow. In this way, the burden of his blood will be distributed among all the tribes, rendering it impossible for Banu ^Abdi Manaf - the Prophet’s kin - to retaliate against all of us. They will have no choice but to accept blood money!"
Satan, still cloaked in his deceptive guise, endorsed this plan, proclaiming: "This is the plan!" The leaders concurred and resolved to execute it. However, Gabriel, peace be upon him, forewarned our Prophet of their malevolent conspiracy. As a result, the Prophet did not retire to his usual place that night.
The polytheists gathered at the Prophet's door, intent on striking him down with their swords as he slept. They waited for the hour when he typically retired for the night. The Prophet instructed ^Aliyy: "Lie down on my place and cover yourself with my burd - a striped cloak that is wrapped around the body for warmth-. Rest assured, nothing will harm you." ^Aliyy faithfully followed the Prophet's command.
With a handful of soil, the Prophet ﷺ emerged from his house. Despite their watchful eyes, the assembled polytheists failed to notice him. As he passed, he sprinkled the soil on their heads while reciting from Suratu Yasin up to the verse, ﴾فَأَغْشَيْنَاهُمْ فَهُمْ لَا يُبْصِرُونَ﴿, which means, "And We covered them so they do not see".
The Prophet ﷺ departed, and soon after, a man arrived to inform the unsuspecting polytheists: "Muhammad has already left, and each of you has soil on your head." They did not feel anything at first, but upon reaching for their heads, they indeed found soil. When they peered inside the house, they saw someone lying under the Prophet's cloak and assumed it was Muhammad still asleep.
The polytheists remained outside until morning, only to discover that it was ^Aliyy who had been lying there all along. As the Prophet ﷺ had assured, ^Aliyy remained unharmed by the conspirators. Their nefarious scheme had been foiled, and the Prophet had safely eluded their grasp.
Next: Dhatu n-Nitaqayn used her girdle to tie the mouth of the wallet