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Jun 8, 2020

Imam Ash-Shafi^iyy

The distinguished Imam Muhammad ibnuI dris Ash-Shafi^iyy was born in the year 150 of the Hijriyy calendar, coinciding with the passing of the eminent founder of the Hanafiyy school, Abu Hanifah. After immersing himself in the profound study of religious sciences, Ash-Shafi^iyy became proficient in issuing jurisprudential verdicts (fatwas) and laid the groundwork for his own school of thought: the Shafi^iyy madh-hab.

Jun 7, 2020

IMAM Ash-Shafi^iyy

Imam Ash-Shafi^iyy embarked on a journey of scholarly pursuit from a tender age. He traversed lands and disciplines, absorbing knowledge from esteemed scholars across diverse regions, commencing with the erudite Imam Malik in the early stages of his quest and culminating with a disciple of the eminent Imam Abu Hanifah.

Jun 7, 2020

IMAM Ash-Shafi^iyy

After dedicating his life to the pursuit of religious knowledge and teaching, Imam Ash-Shafi^iyy passed away due to an illness. 'Ash-Shafi^iyy is the Imam of all people in knowledge, piousness, elevation, and strength.

Jun 6, 2020

IMAM Ash-Shafi^iyy

Imam Ash-Shafi^iyy was a mere fourteen years of age when Imam Malik granted him the authority to issue jurisprudential verdicts (fatwa). Beyond his stature as one of Islam's preeminent scholars, Ash-Shafi^iyy exhibited an unparalleled command of Arab genealogy and an extensive comprehension of their cultural, social, political, and economic history.

Jun 6, 2020

IMAM Ash-Shafi^iyy

Imam Ash-Shafi^iyy, may Allah have mercy on him, asserted that Allah exists without being confined to a place or direction, without 'how,' and independent of time:  (إنه تعالى كان ولا مكان فخلق الـمكان وهو على صفة الأزلية كما كان قبل خلقه الـمكان لا يجوز عليه التغيِير فى ذاته ولا في صفاته) (‘innahu ta^ala kana wa la makan, fakhalaqa l-makan, wa Huwa ^ala sifati l-‘azaliyyati kama kana qabla khalqi l-makan, la yajuzu ^alayhi t-taghayyuru fi dhatihi wa la fi sifatih) "He exists, exalted is He, eternally without a beginning, as there…

Jun 3, 2020

The righteous caliphs

The honourable Prophet, peace be upon him, said what means, the Muslims should be keen to abide by his straight and correct path, and the path of the righteously guided caliphs after him.

Jun 3, 2020

Al-Husayn the Martyr Imam

Allah, the Exalted, has blessed the family of the greatest Prophet ﷺ with a great status and a pure noble kinship. And made among them the generous imams and the knowledgeable scholars who were the lights through the darkness of fitan (seditions) and corruption. They defended the Religion fiercely with speech and spears, commanded the obligatory (ma^ruf) and forbade the unlawful (munkar); nothing ever scared them from obeying and implementing the orders of Allah.

Jun 3, 2020

Chapter three: THE BIOGRAPHY OF PROPHET Muhammad

Aminah narrated that she did not feel the weight of her pregnancy like other women do. During her pregnancy, Aminah saw a vision (while she was in a state between awake and sleep). In this vision someone said to her, ”Do you know with whom you are pregnant? You are pregnant with the Master of this Nation and its Prophet.”

Jun 2, 2020

The freedman of fire

Our master Abu Bakr was the first man to enter Islam and is considered the best among the Companions. He possessed many noble qualities such as forbearance, courage, and generosity. In the eleventh year of the Hegira, he was appointed as the first Caliph, and all the Companions agreed on his Caliphate. He was also known by the nicknames ^Atiq and As-Siddiq."