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Jun 11, 2020


The obligation of fasting the month of Ramadan begins upon the occurrence of one of two matters: To sight the crescent of Ramadan after the sunset of the 29th day of Sha^ban (the month directly preceding Ramadan) or, if the crescent is not seen, Completing thirty (30) days of Sha^ban.

Jun 11, 2020

The Two Testifications of Faith

The non-Muslim embraces Islam by believing in the Two Testifications of Faith and uttering them with the intention of leaving out blasphemy (never to return to non-Islam): 'I bear witness that no one deserves to be worshipped except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah'  A person may utter the testification of faith in either Arabic or English. If one cannot pronounce the letter (ha) correctly when saying Muhammad, one says 'Abal-Gasim Is The Messenger of Allah' instead. 

Jun 11, 2020

The month of Ramadan

The integrals of fasting are two: 1- To make the intention each night to fast the following day of Ramadan. Making the intention at night to fast the following day of Ramadan means to have the intention in one's heart to fast during the night preceding the fasting day, i.e., after sunset and before the dawn of the following day. Sometime during that time, the person must make the intention to fast the following day. This must be done each night for the following day of fasting. As related by at-Tirmidhiyy, An-Nasa'iyy, and others.

Jun 11, 2020

Malik's madh-hab

Malikite scholars have consistently adhered to the belief of tanzih, meaning Allah's exemption from any attribute of creatures, such as place, direction, or 'how'. Al-Baqillaniyy Qadi Abu Bakr Muhammad Al-Baqil-laniyy Al-Malikiyy Al-‘Ash^ariyy  (d. 403 AH) stated in "Al-‘Insaf fima yajibu-^tiqaduhu wa la yajuzu l-jahlu bih" (p. 65): "The Throne is not a locus of establishment or a site for Allah, because Allah ta^ala eternally exists, and no place exists eternally. After creating places, He did not deviate from what He is from eternity." Al-Baqillaniyy also stated in "A…

Jun 11, 2020

The month of Ramadan

O Slaves of Allah, the month of forgiveness-Ramadan has arrived. This is the month of abstinence from worldly pleasures, the defiance of desires, and the month of pure intentions. So, move towards occupying your days and breaths with the acts of obedience to Allah; because the one who doesn’t spend his spare time in matters that benefit him, will end up wasting his time in matters that do not benefit him.

Jun 11, 2020

Imam Malik

It has been recounted that Imam Malik was once presented with forty-eight questions. While he answered only six of them, he replied to the remaining inquiries, "I do not know." This deliberate answer aimed to instil in people the importance of seeking Allah's approval in both teaching and learning religious science. Furthermore, it served as a clear lesson in humility, imparting the importance of acknowledging one's limitations and gracefully admitting when one does not possess the answer, particularly if lacking a valid transmission.

Jun 11, 2020

The Prayer

  Du^a’u l-iftitah or Du^a’u t-Tawajjuh Wajjahtu wajhiya lilladhi fatara s-samawati wal-’arda hanifa m-muslima, wa ma ‘ana mina l-mushrikin. ‘Inna salati wa nusuki wa mahyaya wa mamati lil-Lahi rabbi l-^alamin, la sharika lah, wa bi dhalika ‘umirtu, wa ‘ana minal-Muslimin.

Jun 11, 2020

Muslims unanimously agreed

The symbol of guidance, Imam Abu Mansur Al-Maturidiyy (died 333 H), refuted those who likened Allah to creation in his era, affirming the creed of Ahlu s-Sunnah wa l-Jama^ah. He clarified that Allah is free from residing in any place, while explaining that the sky is simply the direction of du^aʾ and not a residence for Allah. Far be it for Allah to be attributed with such a limitation!

Jun 11, 2020


  Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “The extremist fanatics are doomed.” Although extremism is not a new phenomenon, the rebel exacerbations witnessed today require prompt action and a strong resolve. The global extremist movement driving this form of anarchy is manifested in groups known by a multitude of names hiding behind Islam to roam among the Islamic communities without drawing suspicion.