May 29, 2020
how I long for the Messenger
Shaykh Salim ^Alwan: The Radiant Birth of the Prophet
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May 29, 2020
The Speech of ^Id al-Fitr 2024 by Shaykh Husam Qaraqirah
The Speech of ^Id al-Fitr 2024 by Shaykh Husam Qaraqirah
The Speech of ^Id al-Fitr 2024 by Shaykh Husam Qaraqirah
May 29, 2020
Al-'Israʾ wa l-Miʿraj
Al-'Israʾ wa l-Miʿraj 2024 by Shaykh Husam Qaraqirah
The Speech of Al-'Israʾ wa l-Miʿraj 2024 by Shaykh Husam Qaraqirah
May 29, 2020
THE NINTH OF Dhu l-Hijjah
The supplication for the day of ^Arafah
The nation of Prophet Muhammad today is eagerly awaiting a time to witness the best manifestation of unity, where Muslims with diverse appearances and different mother tongues meet under the banner of tawhid, gathered over one land, supplicating to ONE God, Allah.
May 28, 2020
Ahlu s-Sunnah wa l-Jama^ah: The way of the majority
The correct meaning of the term “'Ahlu s-sunnah wa l-Jama^ah”
'Ahlu s-sunnah wa l-Jama^ah are the majority of the Muslim nation. They are the people who rightfully followed the methodology of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ They include the companions and those who followed them in the essence of belief. They are the people referred to in the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah when he said what means:
'Let the one who seeks the vastness of Paradise remain steadfast to the majority.'
The Jama^ah are the majority of true followers of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. It happened that after the year 260 after Hijrah, the perverted innovative beliefs of the M…
May 28, 2020
Ibnu Taymiyyah’s prohibiting the tawassul by the 'Anbiya’ and 'Awliya’ and the tabarruk by them and their traces
Among the most famous issues that were confirmed about ‘Ibnu Taymiyyah by the reporting of the scholars contemporary to him and others who came after them, are his prohibiting the tawassul by the ‘ anbiya’ and salihun (righteous Muslims) after their death and in their absence while alive and tabarruk by them and their traces, and his prohibiting to visit the grave of the Prophet, ﷺ, for the purpose of tabarruk.
May 26, 2020
the most esteemed lineage
'They compared you to a date palm growing in a barren piece of land', he said
The season of the Prophet’s birth is a time during which narratives regarding the birth of the Prophet ﷺ are recited. Often, many of these reports have weak chains of transmission, and sometimes they may even be fabricated and baseless.
May 26, 2020
A woman from Banu ^Abdi d-Dar.
She noticed a radiant glow, resembling the star on a horse's forehead
Allah ta^ala ordained that the birth of the Prophet ﷺ was the result of lawful marriage, with no trace of illegitimacy from 'Adam to his parents. As the Prophet ﷺ stated in a narration reported by Al-Bayhaqiyy: ' None of the illicit practices of the pre-Islamic era tainted my lineage; I was born only through lawful marriage, akin to that of Islam.'
May 26, 2020
a basin of gold
Jibril laid him down, then cut open his chest to remove his heart
The birth of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ occurred on Monday, the twelfth of the month of Rabi^uni l-‘Awwal in the Year of the Elephant, in the well-known place up to now in Mecca.